Thursday, 29 February 2024

Brian Mulroney, R.I.P.

 From Yahoo News:

Prime Minister Brian Mulroney holds up a piece of paper he had torn during a speech in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Monday. Mulroney was demonstrating that a No vote on the referendum would rip apart the 31 points Quebec got in the Charlottetown agreement.

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

NATO: Has Putin Shit His Pants Yet?

Macron has ruled in the possibility of NATO troops one day being deployed in theatre. If you prefer, Ukraine. No wonder Putin is already sabre-rattling, since the prospect of NATO troops in Ukraine is enough to make your average Russian general shit his pants. 

And then there's plausible deniability pour la forme: Both Germany and Poland are playing good cop to France's bad cop -- no, no, neither of them will even consider deploying forces in Ukraine. Right.

Now to the elephant in the room -- you know, the real possibility that later rather than sooner, Ukraine could be overrun by the Russians. Could happen, eventually. And seriously, if that happens, does anyone with a brain actually think that NATO would allow that? I don't think so. 

So, Macron has fired the trial balloon, to get people used to the idea of NATO coming in to save Ukraine, le cas échéant.

If my name is Putin, I would start wearing industrial diapers because he's going to need 'em if Ukraine ends up on the ropes. 

Ain't it just grand!

Sunday, 25 February 2024

Trump: The Resistance.

Hum. Trump wins South Carolina by roughly 60-40. Wasn't Trump predicting as much as 70-30?  The resistance is alive and well and sure, most of them will go Trump in the general.

But Haley is smart to stick it out: hoping for a Hail Mary Pass that sends Trump to jail. And yes, it could happen before November. Now, let's see how she does during Super Tuesday. Will her 40ish numbers hold? If they do, Trump still becomes the nominee but could lose the general if the resistance morphes: you know, more independents either staying home or even moving to Biden to stop Trump. 

It's all psychological. People voting against Trump in bigger numbers if Haley's tally in the primaries stays at roughly 40ish. Conversely, if she sinks like a stone, that's good for Trump with independents.

Here's my take: God and Jesus loathe Trump, so one way or another providence will see to it that Trump never becomes president again.

Evangelicals and others can sell their souls to demagogues but God and Jesus never will. 

Maybe just maybe there's a direct pipeline from God's word to Haley's intitution. 

And if so, may the force be with her.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

CPC: Already On Thin Ice.

First, it was Ukraine where we went out of our way to blow it -- over an already existing carbon tax. Made us look like fools, leaving a false impression that the CPC isn't 110% pro-Ukraine. A big mistake.

Now this nonsense on Trans bathrooms, when it's none of our business. That's a matter for females who frequent female bathrooms. It's up to them to decide whether their bathrooms go Trans or not. And if the answer is No, then it's time to put a Trans bathroom in place.

Is this the last gaffe coming out of the OLO? I hope so...otherwise, it's Harper in 2015 all over again.

Sunday, 18 February 2024

Navalny: First Piece Of Putin's Puzzle?

Is it part of the master plan? You know, for a guy who's planning to reconstitute the Soviet Union by force? It's immensely helpful if your top drawer political opponent suddenly bites the dust. Essentially, potentially, there is suddenly no one there that the Russian people can rally around in opposition to Putin. So, taken from his perspective, the elimination of Navalny is a masterstroke. But that's short term thinking. Killing political opponents has never blown up in Putin's face: think Nemtsov. But will this be different? No way of really knowing.

So, what's next? Obviously, a push to overrun Ukraine before the fighters arrive next spring. But then, what? Is the Baltics next, Poland, Moldova, etc.? 

It all boils down to this: the free world is funding Ukraine so they can keep Putin out of the rest of Europe. Failure to continue funding means trouble for NATO members. It sort of becomes we in the West can fight Putin now or later, but limiting or withdrawing Ukraine funding only serves to guarantee that NATO fighting Putin's Russia becomes inevitable. And make no mistake, under such a regrettable scenario, NATO can't lose, even if it takes years to beat the Russians.

The Trump useful idiot only makes it paramount that Biden get the aid to Ukraine any way he can. Biden should do it, even if he's later impeached because of it. It's that important to the preservation of the free world and democracy.

Ukraine is winning by not losing, at least for now. But artillery and ammunition shortages are leading to temporary territorial concessions, which can only give the Russians an advantage. 

Biden needs to meet the moment. Anything short of that could lead to Ukraine's demise and further European adventurism by Putin. Should Putin ultimately go there, it'll be WWIII for all of us. A war that the West will inevitably win, much to Putin's peril. 

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Quite A Talk With God.

I mean, I never. Great human beings are dropping like flies, while through and through in and out pieces of shit and certifiable demon seeds continue to roam the earth as absolute scourges.

Just wait until I croak -- I'll give God or Jesus one hell of a talking to for letting these scum of the Earth people continue to live among us. 

Friday, 16 February 2024

Navalny: A Russian Hero.

A giant among giants, a man of such tremendous courage who quite willingly returned to Russia knowing full well that he would either be jailed or killed. We don't see a person of such high calibre and conviction come along more than once or twice in a century. The last time was Aquino in the Philippines. These men were larger than life compared to that little man who desperately holds sway in The Kremlin.  

Sunday, 11 February 2024

NATO: Once Again Trump Proves He's A M-O-R-O-N.

Like the commercial says, MAGA doesn't care if Trump proves without a doubt that he remains in Putin's pocket...but the elephant in the room is why? Again, MAGA doesn't care.

That idiot says it's Hunkey Dory for Russia to attack a NATO member -- get this, because it's financially delinquent -- in other words, the people of a NATO country don't matter when push comes to shove. Let's have some fun with this usual Trump insanity: Russia attacks the Baltics: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and Trump as president has to help defend them under NATO Article 5, which provides for collective defence of NATO countries. Imagine if Lithuania and Latvia are paid up, but Estonia isn't. So under a future President Bozo, American troops would come to the aid of the first two nations but not their neighbour? Trump is proving that he needs treatment for at least psychological disassociation. But again, MAGA doesn't care.

MAGA seemingly isn't bright enough to figure out, for example, supporting Ukraine militarily does two desirable things: it makes damned sure that Putin can't win and more importantly, from an American perspective, ensures that not a drop of American blood is spilled in combat should Ukraine be overrun by the Russians.  Hello! Put another way, Ukraine is holding the line against demon-seed fascism so the rest of us can continue to live in peace.

MAGA needs to ask BibiBrain what he would do as president if all of Europe was attacked by Putin? Should that happen, is that in the interest of American national security? Can Trump let that pass, even if he previously withdrew from NATO? Nope, not a chance. Otherwise, Putin, just like Hitler, won't stop until a direct clash occurs with U.S. forces defending American territory. That's called reality.

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Who's More Embarrassing?

Good God. Biden is really losing it, while Trump is also losing it and is such a liar. No wonder most American voters want nothing to do with either of these guys. And then there's Stefanik. What she won't say to get the VEEP slot. Way beyond off-the-wall. She says Pence was wrong to certify the last election. What an imbecile. She has absolutely no legal standing to suggest that he should have done otherwise. And of course, she's A-OK with Trump killing the Senate border deal with the Administration. No kidding. The hypocrisy is beyond belief. What a suck-up.

Monday, 5 February 2024

MAGA: A New Low.

Surprise, surprise, now Haley has to ask for Secret Service protection because of all the threats headed her way. MAGA positively delights in embracing the demon seed and his realm. In fact, they're fucking proud of it. 

Ah, last judgment, when each of them croaks. Won't be pretty for most of them, and here's a hint: God and/or Jesus definitely won't be smiling. Each of their white boards already has far too many Xs...nothing new there.