Sunday, 15 March 2020

This Blog: For Now, All Depression, All Of The Time.

If you're looking for financial bullshit delivered with rose-coloured glasses, don't waste your time here.

Here's where we stand:  we have countries in recession including Mexico and Japan. Others like Germany, France, Italy and the UK are, at the very least, wobbly.

Then you've got the continually expanding Bank Repo cash injection by The Fed, which has exploded from 100 to 150 billion dollars a day to over 300 billion, with 1.5 trillon planned by The Fed.

Trump and The Fed have failed miserably to instill long-term confidence in the American economy or the state of the financial system.

Lebanon has defaulted on the Eurobond and some of its banks have closed, with questions still swirling about such heavyweights like Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo. Ditto in Europe concerning DB, Commerz and HSBC.

Next comes the disaster of The Fed Funds Rate which now sits at 1.25%. With the FOMC expected to cut at least a full percentage point next week, we are rapidly on our way to the economic carnage resulting from negative interest rates, which Trump strongly advocates.

And if all of that weren't enough, the US Ten Year Treasury is hovering below 1 percent, down 51% from last year.

So, the worldwide outlook looks grim with the EU, United States and Canada likely to tip into recession, to say the very least.

It may feel like an impending recession but it smells of depression what with the unknown variable of international bank stress tests -- which notably, US banks have been lobbying to weaken.

At best, blood is already in the water with Rumsfeld's unknown unknowns likely to impact all of us, sooner rather than later.

God help us.

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