Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Whom Do You Believe: Peter Or Erin?

Peter and his people are confident that they have the MOJO while Erin and his team claim to be ahead, at least in endorsements.

Nice window dressing but the truth lies in your average CPC member's gut. It's up to each of you to feel it out and then make a decision. I can tell you one thing for certain: this race is already polarized with undecideds likely being few and far between.

Some will vote for ideas, other principles but it's a pretty safe bet most will make a first choice based on who can win against Trudeau.

You know where I always come from: namely, that winning isn't everything but that it's the only thing. IMHO, MacKay has righted the ship and has the wind at his back.

I think MacKay has what it takes to beat Trudeau. I could be wrong but I don't see O'Toole being able to pull it off, not at all.

But your decision is between you, your conscience and your God. All I ask of each and every one of you is that you vote -- and not often! LOL.
Thank you.

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