Sunday, 9 August 2020

What COVID-19 Taught The World.

COVID-19 is above all else a human tragedy. It will leave in its eventual wake a legacy of suffering and death. That's its legacy for healthcare systems across the globe.

But far more ominously, it has also taught the world a horrific lesson, one based on the mass dispersion of biological agents. With COVID-19, we saw it play out on an international scale with deadly consequences. Like with MERS and SARS, we saw Corona viruses in action accompanied by deaths.

However, world powers also found themselves in the midst of a strategic opportunity to war-game the release of bio-agents in preparation to taking it to the next level.

In English, it now becomes a reasonable assumption that the next World War will be kicked off by way of biological terrorism perpetrated by nation-states. That's a solid, effective, low-risk maximum first strike. In effect, COVID-19 has been the Mother of All Non-Intentional Test Runs with countries such as China, Russia, the United States and Israel paying close attention to this dry run, if you will.

I'm not among those who see the origin of COVID-19 entirely in nature, given its failure to dissipate in warm-weather climates but nor am I a proponent of the deliberate release theory. Like American intelligence agencies, I strongly suspect a sloppy and accidental release from the Level 4 Wuhan lab. It goes without saying that I don't regard Chinese COVID-19 statistics as entirely legitimate or wholly reliable. I think we can safely assume that the Chinese death rate is at least multiples of what has been officially reported.

To conclude, I hope that the better angels of human nature ultimately prevail in this tense and seriously deteriorating geopolitical environment. Otherwise, God help us all.


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