I've got to give it to Trump. He's beyond incredibly talented when it comes to pulling off the greatest political con job in American history. No doubt about that. I mean, this idea that he's for the people, for the little guy, when all his actions prove that he's only there to benefit his fellow crony-capitalists. Trillions and billions sent by The Fed to supposedly save companies and jobs. Total lunacy. Here's why: in round one of QE 2020, guess what the companies did with the dough? No, they did not preserve jobs. They did what phoney crooks always do, they bought back shares to increase the company share price and they gave each other executive bonuses with public money. In short, they made themselves even more rich, by leaps and bounds, at the expense of the middle-class and the poor. Meanwhile, Trump is handing out crumbs to the middle-class and poor who have already lost jobs, homes, cars and pretty much everything else.
That's why I call his middle to lower class supporters suckers because he and his minions royally fuck them time and again and they just smile and bend over even more...
It's beyond amazing how gullible some people can be. It defies the imagination when you think about it. Like I said, a great con man -- a faker to quote the late RBG -- a guy who wilfully pretends that the United States is in a super-V while everything around him is going to hell in a handbasket.
Jesus Christ, throw the bastard out. People are suffering beyond belief. Get someone in there who'll put people first, not the monied corporate interests that Trump so loves. Wake up people before it's too late. You're going down the fucking tubes precisely because of Trump and his so-called policies.
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