Sunday, 8 November 2020

Putting On Your Man and Woman's Pants.

First off, I'll go with the proposition that most Americans, whether they happen to be Democrats, Republicans, Independents or something else believe in capitalism and electoral democracy. That's the first point you have in common.

Now to the second: you are or SHOULD BE AMERICANS FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS. That means treating each other with respect and giving the other side a fair hearing. You don't have to necessarily agree or even change your perspective but all of you owe each other respect.

Thirdly, both sides have every right to go before the courts if they have political grievances. But they must be based on solid evidence, not staged videos!

Remember that the President of the United States doesn't even know how the courts, he can't go straight to the SCOTUS. He has to go to Federal Court, Trial Division (District Court). If he wins there, then it's on to the Federal Court of Appeal (Circuit Court) and finally, if he wins again to the Supreme Court.

Look at Bush vs. Gore in 2000: Gore conceded to Bush and then took it back. It took three months before the case reached the SCOTUS and they ruled in Bush's favour, who became President.

Democrats didn't like it -- I didn't like it and I'm not even a citizen -- but they did the right thing and accepted it. That's Democracy.

We all know that Democrats and Republicans are not idiots or fools. Neither party wants to take this to civil war 2 and I don't blame them. Killing their fellow Americans, men, women and children is nobody's game. Thank God for that level of sanity across America. Up here in Canada, we fortunately never went down that route.

So...when the court challenges are settled one way or another, it will be up to both sides to put on their Man and Woman's Pants and accept the result.

The United States is a civilized country. That's why Americans basically have no other final option. Remember, God is watching. Please don't make him cry because of rivers of blood in the streets. America is far better than that, and all of you know it.

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