Saturday, 27 March 2021

Cuomo: Enough Already. Resign.

IMHO, this is a test case of what happens when ego runs amok. Allegations are snowballing but so far, nothing has been proven -- or disproven in court. Let the case be made and then justice will render a verdict. That's the legal argument and so it should be.

But now, we'll get down to brass tacks -- to raw politics in and off the streets -- and hey, Cuomo's situation is at best incredibly difficult politically and at worst, simply untenable. Again, I'm only talking politically. When this first started, I was in the camp of unpaid leave but as this snowballed and culminated into Mount Everest, I came to see this as practically hopeless.

Cuomo needs to put his state first and his own legal predicament second. Quite simply, a governor cannot discharge his powers of office and function in the best interests of New York state under these conditions. So Andrew, bite the bullet and get the hell out of there and let the chips fall where they may going forward. And if you need help, then ask yourself quite simply what Mario would have done.

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