It will be hell on wheels once inflation takes off even more -- which it undoubtedly will. We'll see a bond market imploding and a ricochet stock market crash which yours truly projects will be the order of 70-90% percent, if we're lucky.
Retrospectively, it will be called The Greatest Depression as its coming ampleur has never been seen before on good old planet Earth.
Put in saps' speak, the language of the unknowing economic victims, and that will include me, The Fed doesn't get to decide when notice is given as to when tapering begins, or raises in interest rates kick in. Get it, John and Jane Q. Public?
INFLATION and only inflation is the master of this multi-wheel circus and it will call the tune all the way down. It will rise exponentially and head toward the likes of hyperinflation which will force the dullards and incompetents to do what they do best and are most qualified for: to panic.
So, without notice in 2021, tapering will begin in a vane attempt to limit inflation's rise but it won't work. So, then will come the desperate interest rate increase and down the Bond Market will go, taking the Stock Market right down with it. Remember that the debt market is ten times the size of the stock market and is the liquidity king. Once it goes, it's all over. The stock market, on the other hand, is but a poor excuse of a derivative of the bond market.
So fasten your seat belts and start praying right now! Cause the big drop is coming and it will hit this year, to no one's surprise, who happens to be sentient, other than those complete fools over at The Fed and at Treasury.
God help humankind when it hits and one nation's economic misery dominos across the globe and takes the other industrialized economies down the tubes with it.
It was never a V, a U, or even a W. At best, it's an L, and that stands for HE (double) L.
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