Thursday, 30 September 2021

October 5, 2021: Decision Day.

All of you are about as good as I am in trying to read the tea leaves -- what in the world will caucus say and more importantly, DO about Erin's leadership?

This time, I take no position on that having learned only too well from the Jamieson Experience back in 2005. We tried to give Harper the heave-ho and failed miserably.

This time doesn't seem to have the dynamics like when caucus turned on Scheer and he left promptly. My guess is that unity and discipline both internal and external will win the day.

Don't get me wrong, it's more than just grumbling but no one wants to play into Himself's hands, so more than likely O'Toole can and will hang on. 

But don't go back Erin because when we give Trudeau that solid little push in a year to a year and a half, it'll have no chance of working in ON and QC if we still aren't centrist and moderate right of centre. That's called reality folks and without it, we won't have a prayer of winning next time either. 

So, everyone take a chill pill and keep your eyes laser focused on the long game and the big picture. Otherwise, we're doomed as can be, period.

Friday, 24 September 2021

What's Going On With CIMS?

What in the name of heaven is going on with CIMS? The Toronto Star has reported that the OLO has made sure that the party database is no longer available to MPs and candidates in the last election. I say again, what's all that about?

It's no secret that some have already called on Erin O'Toole to resign, or face a leadership review. Normally, any leader who lost an election is subject to a review of his or her leadership at the next party convention -- so later rather than sooner, that will happen.

Frankly, I'm surprised that caucus hasn't chimed in yet but I imagine that'll happen sometime next week. A caucus meeting should be a two-way street with the leader getting important feedback from MPs, while they get to know the leader's intentions.

I think I'm on safe ground in saying that Erin will put the country and party ahead of all other considerations. Let O'Toole reach his own decision about the future and then respect it either way.

That's my message for caucus, whatever it's worth. 

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

O'Toole's Period Of Grace.

Will Erin do the right thing, in addition to what absolutely must be done post-election? We'll find out soon enough. Meanwhile, the feedback from caucus is bound to be both brutal and frank. However, it better also be constructive, part of a build-up rather than a tear-down, otherwise we're doomed at least in the short to medium term.

Why We Lost.

First off, those blue ads. A pack of total lies but set up by the Liberals as a piece of strategic genius. Then throw in the Blair ad: as soon as I saw it for the first time, my heart immediately sank thinking it was over for us. The GTA willingly bought into those lies because the campaign did not have sufficient teflon kryptonite between our actual positions and the lies that the Liberals spread. So…the GTA willingly gobbled it up and the rest is history.

The lesson in all this is for the CPC not to deliberately mine our own harbour in a campaign — we fucking did it on assault-style weapons and again on candidate vaccinations. That’s why we lost, period.

Sunday, 19 September 2021

The Day Before Election Day.

Well, as of now, my previous prediction of a Conservative government has gone out the window. Unfortunately for me, my gut still says we'll win but my heart says we've lost. So, I end up with a wash which was not something I expected at all.

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Monday, 6 September 2021

What's YOUR Voting Priority?

Is it keeping or removing an automatic weapons STYLE ban, note not another ban which specifically bans automatic weapons, or is it the removal of this Prime Minister from office? Because, as of now those two issues are the only remaining contenders for the ballot question.

If it's the former than the Conservatives and Erin O'Toole are already in big trouble and could lose this election. If it remains the latter, as I suspect, then the CPC could still win but after this PR disaster, a majority mandate, once possible even if remotely so, likely is no longer in the cards.

So, all of you who intend to vote get to decide by exercising your vote. I look forward to discovering what's top of mind for each and every one of you who votes.

Either way, democracy wins. That's the only silver lining in this campaign.