And then there's the age thing with Biden having just turned 79. That's right, 79. Seriously, does anyone really believe that this job won't wear down Biden long before we get to 2024?
That's why the cowards, racists and misogynists have already preemptively targeted Kamala -- and guess who's calling the shots on that one? Here's a hint, not Biden.'s already down and dirty and we're not even in 2022 yet.
But back to Joe. Democrats need to put their faith in something else other than Biden being the nominee next time, because he more than likely won't be.
To the Dems I say, get it seriously in gear to save the political ship cause it's already taking on water now. It's almost for sure that they'll lose the Senate next time and probably at least thirty seats in the House. Not good.
But there is a bright side what with moderate Republicans likely to finally fracture the party post-2022. (It's about time, but I digress.)
Finally, here's my message for Biden: get as many wins as you can in this term because you likely won't be the nominee next time.
Joe needs to give his head a shake and say to himself "Come on, Man!" That's reality in DC.
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