Saturday, 28 May 2022

CPC: Already Well On Its Way To Defeat.

In short, thanks Pierre and thank you to the membership. Smug central must be laughing in his beer along with his newly christened lap dog.

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Texas: For The Love Of God.

When will this gun insanity ever end in America? Are they that brainless in the United States or is it that every human life -- even that of a child -- is expendable?

Will they ever come to their senses? Fuck the goddamned Second Amendment.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Kenney Is Gone.......!!!!!!

I mean, just wow! The whisper number was that he needed at least 66%. He got 52% and so he resigned as UCP leader.

It's funny to see Conservative parties growing a pair while Liberals are still licking you know who's ass.

Makes me damned proud to be a Conservative. Caucus having clout is good. The membership having it is so much better.


Saturday, 14 May 2022

BOC: Campbell Wrong, Poilièvre Right.

Kim Campbell doesn't seem to think too highly of the CPC. Admittedly, she has a lot of company, which is important for our party to remember. Sure, we're not doing enough on climate change and feminist advancement but we sure aren't codding authoritarianism. So, Campbell is definitely wrong on that.

As for the BOC and its legislated independence, well, they don't do squat unless it dovetails with what the so-called political masters want politically. Plus the lazy politicians tend to inevitably buy into the central  bank  foolishness  and  incompetence:  read  the  Keynesian  policies  of  easy  money  and          I-N-E-V-I-T-A-B-L-E inflation creation. Sure, COVID-19 and Ukraine are factors but only that. The main cause by far is the digitization of money. Look south of the border where The Federal Reserve has recently created 45% of the money supply. Insane idiocy.

What we need is continual rises in rates to at least past the unofficial inflation rate which is somewhere between 15 and 25% both in Canada and the United States. That's what Volcker did and it worked leading to a huge economic expansion and multi-decade boom.

So, on this issue, I'm almost 100% with Poilièvre. My proviso is that the Governor be allowed to admit publicly that the BOC was wrong to permit easy money to this extent and also indicate that further tightening by same will continue. That's Macklem's fig leaf out. Otherwise, he goes and Poilièvre would find us a new gov.

In short, it has absolutely nothing to do with someone growing up. What it has to do with is the verbal diarrhea coming out of Biden's mouth on this. For Christ's sake, he re-nominated this serial incompetent as Chair. Biden did that, and Trump did it before him. Fucking Powell, what a jackass. But I digress.

Macklem needs to be put on notice that things will be greatly different if the CPC ultimately forms government and I for one see absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, I commend Pierre for taking this on.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I support Charest's leadership bid.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

CPC Ballot: Ranking Changes.

That's what I like about counting the ballots only in September: as you watch and hear them out, it provokes changes, at least to my second and third rankings. It sure has. I doubt these rankings will change a third time but nothing is impossible now is it.

I'm for Charest, which should be no surprise to most of you.

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Jesus Christ, Joe.

Nobody and I mean absolutely nobody is buying that speech bullshit that COVID-19 and Putin's war are behind inflation.

Inflation is entirely due to the creation and digitization of money, courtesy of The Federal Reserve.

And who did nothing to stop it: let's see, Obama, Trump and Biden.

And who nominated that incompetent Powell as chair: let's see, Trump and later Biden.

So, own up to your responsibility Joe and pray like hell that abortion saves your party's ass in the mid-terms.

As for 2024, don't hold your breath counting on a win and a second term cause that's called reality Joe.

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Trudeau In Kyiv.

Every Canadian will support this visit as it sends the right signal of solidarity and commitment to Ukraine and its people. Biden take note. Don't make me laugh that any individual president is so important that he or she can't and shouldn't visit Kyiv. 

When Roosevelt and Kennedy died, the world kept turning and the United States continued. This security bullshit is just that, bullshit, as it amplifies the perceived over-importance of an American president in the overall scheme of things. No duly elected president is indispensable. If Dr. Jill Biden can go, so can her husband. Like I said, bullshit.

Saturday, 7 May 2022

Ukraine: Demoralized Russians?

And they thought it couldn't get any worse: reports are circulating that that outstanding Marshal of Russia is going to take command, personally. By all means.

That should finish them off even more quickly with Putin at the helm. Too funny. What's next, The Keystone Kops?

To say that the Russians have been humbled is the understatement of the century. Maybe Putin going forward should meet his people in a football stadium. You know, lots and lots of space. He would also be well advised to cook his own meals. That's the thing about dictactorship, it can get tricky right out of the blue, especially when both conscripts and professionals are dropping like flies.

May God continue to bless Ukraine and her people.

Don't Cry For Me Stock Markets.

Well, finally. The Bond bubble is finally a bursting good. Just look at IG bonds: LQD-A.

And if that doesn't quite cut it for ya, check out these beauts: SCHZ-A, BND-Q and AGG-A.

She's going down, baby! And she'll take the major stock indices with her. Yes, sir.

Thank you, Jesus. Long, long, long, overdue.

Now if the idiot prez can finally fire Powell and the entire FOMC. Obama put that incompetent there and Trump made him Chair. More stupid prezs.

Friday, 6 May 2022

Vance, Trump And Ohio.

You know how it goes, so goes Ohio and so goes the country. Maybe.

Is Ohio still a swing state and president maker? That was quite the split nonetheless with Dolan in a close third. So, for Trump it's still a win to at least some extent because the guy is still relatively powerful and more important relevant in federal politics.

What Trump says and does still matters, and who he endorses has major political consequences, for now.

We're about to be in for at least a primary a week and that should be fun to see how Trump does. I'm not betting on a reliable trend, no sir, no mamn.

Throw Roe into the mix and we're in for a lot of serious debate and political fun. Maybe 4th of July style fireworks in favor of Dems and maybe not. But women will be heard loud and clear either way and that's a good thing.

Mind you, if my name is Collins, I'm feeling pretty stupid right now so it's seat-saving time, at least theoretically. But I digress.

Kind of feels like some drunk guy shoving his you know what right in your face, doesn't it.

But back to Ohio: does it really matter nationally or is it simply an exercise in serious navel gazing? You tell me.

Thursday, 5 May 2022

CPC Debates.

One down. 

The real question is about their collective outcome. Will they cement the front runner or clearly distinguish a challenger who can leap ahead?

In my view, nope. Not at all. IMHO, the only real winner after three debates will be the person not part of the dynamic duo already known as ANYBODY BUT [INSERT NAME OF THE DESPISED HERE.]

That's the story so far.

Full disclosure: I support Charest.

Monday, 2 May 2022

Ukrainian Re-Supply?

That's it in a nut shell: it's all about re-supply and for how long Putin is prepared to take it. Not long because the demon seed knows that inevitably, re-supply is all about gradation and that means Russian fighters, Russian tanks and both of them gradually being supplanted by American fighters, bombers and tanks, not to mention German tanks and French and British tanks, fighters and bombers.

THAT'S where this is inevitably going, leaving Putin no choice but to attack NATO: first Poland and later with an assault that could reach past Germany, into France and Italy and down to the low countries. Maybe even into Spain and Scandinavia. 

So, forget about Moldova or the Baltics because that's nothing more than a sideshow.

The deluded, demented sociopath has much bigger plans.