Friday, 6 May 2022

Vance, Trump And Ohio.

You know how it goes, so goes Ohio and so goes the country. Maybe.

Is Ohio still a swing state and president maker? That was quite the split nonetheless with Dolan in a close third. So, for Trump it's still a win to at least some extent because the guy is still relatively powerful and more important relevant in federal politics.

What Trump says and does still matters, and who he endorses has major political consequences, for now.

We're about to be in for at least a primary a week and that should be fun to see how Trump does. I'm not betting on a reliable trend, no sir, no mamn.

Throw Roe into the mix and we're in for a lot of serious debate and political fun. Maybe 4th of July style fireworks in favor of Dems and maybe not. But women will be heard loud and clear either way and that's a good thing.

Mind you, if my name is Collins, I'm feeling pretty stupid right now so it's seat-saving time, at least theoretically. But I digress.

Kind of feels like some drunk guy shoving his you know what right in your face, doesn't it.

But back to Ohio: does it really matter nationally or is it simply an exercise in serious navel gazing? You tell me.

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