Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Being Transgender.

If Poirot was with us, he would lament the lack of exercise given to those little grey cells by so many people. It's all about what's between the ears and right now, I'm not talking about transgender people.

Good God, do people someone think that gender identity is somehow unknowable, unclear until you turn 18 or 21? Give me a break.

There is no magic starter age: it goes with good old common sense, so it isn't 2 or 3 but it ain't generally 18 and over either...

All my life, I woke up every morning since my preteen years and positively knew without a shred of a doubt that I was a male and fortunate enough to be in my own skin and know it's right. So many others are not that lucky when it comes to gender identity. 

And here's a newsflash: you can't talk someone into gender identification and a desire to personally reassign one's perceived gender. It's already in the mind, in the heart and in your very soul. No one goes through that to be woke, because it's a fad or to be novel.

Imagine how much courage it must take to decide and then act. Going through psychological counseling and then a physical change takes more courage than most people will ever know.

Not 100% of those who change their gender identity will be at peace after proceeding. Fortunately, most people will. 

I'll never forget the talk I had at the office about trans bathrooms. At first blush, my colleagues were reflexively against. But then I broached the subject about trans teens being beaten up and feeling unsafe in both boys and girls bathrooms at school.

Suddenly, the light went on and people were then at least open to hearing more.

That's all I ask. The evolution of society is often glacial and not necessarily based on sound or continuous reflection by the masses. That's how we got slavery, a woman's place is in the home, discrimination based on sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

In 2023, none of those concepts have any merit or legitimacy. And so inevitably will it be with trans rights and discrimination based on same. It can't happen soon enough for me.

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