Saturday, 27 May 2023

DeSantis: Twitter Bitter.

Too funny. DeSantis, otherwise aptly known as DeSanctimonious, can't even launch his presidential campaign correctly. Even Trump managed to do that. Sure, he raised eight million but lost a lot of support precisely because of this launch fiasco. So, in short, Trump must be smiling broadly. A lot of people who watched DeSantis have now apparently moved to Trump, the second most unpopular politician in America. Guess who the first one is? Here's a hint, he's already running for re-election. Dope.

Just wait until the United States defaults on its debt, because it's coming. All of these bozos from both parties couldn't successfully manage a three-ring circus. Way beyond ridiculous.

It's not just independents that are crying out for bold, innovative leadership. That certainly ain't Biden nor Trump, and it's not DeSantis either.

And then there's the total joke of running a third-party candidate, who can't ever win and will only siphon off precious votes from one side to the other and ensure that the other guy gets in. Think Ross Perot.

God help the United States of America. What kind of a crappy president-elect is coming?


Thursday, 25 May 2023

Defeat Trudeau.

Frankly, I don't care how you normally vote but enough is enough! It's time to defeat this corrupt and unethical government. Enough of cronyism and all the rest.

Please send Trudeau a crystal clear and unequivocal message: vote CPC to clear out this bunch. It's long overdue.

Thank you.

Saturday, 20 May 2023

Ukraine: F-16s Finally.

Ah, nothing quite like the count-down to WWIII! Normally, I would be against, on principle, but not this time: you see, the league of demon seeds must be vanquished and then they must swing. See how simple that is? Meanwhile, F-16s are finally coming from NATO European allies. 

And as usual, God's country, even though seriously divided into two camps, gets to save the free world again, just like the United States did in two previous world wars. That's what makes America great above all else. When the shit hits the fan, Americans get going and unite in a good cause. And so, inevitably, will they do it again. As I said, God's country.

So, I just can't wait. And even a geezer like me is willing to play a very minor role. You don't need a scorecard to figure out which leaders across the globe are certified, bona fide demon seeds. It's so self-evident. Just look at how much pleasure they have in each other's company -- and those big smiles all around. So telling.

But hey, Ukraine is just a preview of coming attractions. How can Ukrainians negotiate peace with Russia without accountability? So, that ain't happening. On our side, it's more tanks, planes coming soon, and more Patriots and other defensive weapons. 

Now we're talking about MAGA, the real one. And how funny it will be when neither Biden nor Trump becomes the next president. Both are too old, senile or just plain nuts to lead America during her upcoming shining crusade as God's main messenger. Horrible it will be, memorable it will be. But once again, good will ultimately vanquish evil. Really works for me, even if it ends up killing me. Thems the breaks.

Saturday, 13 May 2023

Debt Ceiling: Why McCarthy Wins And Biden Loses.

Let's cut straight through the bullshit: McCarthy can't and won't cave because then only one House Member can begin the process to get rid of him as Speaker. So, even if Jesus asks, Republicans in the House aren't about to budge, not even an inch.

That means Biden has two choices: he can cave and agree to at least a framework for budget cuts, or he can watch the United States default on its debt and live with the economic consequences. As a result, Biden will have to cave or America goes down. Which way would you go? 

He also knows that if he doesn't cave, then re-election could quite conceivably become nothing more than a pipe dream. Like I said, Biden's going to be caving, whether he likes it or not. Watch and see.

It Will Be My Honour To Help Vote Out This Pathetic Government.

The latest Nanos has made my weekend: sure it's nothing more than a snapshot in time, but when the trend is your friend, you go with it. And right now, the trend definitely is the CPC's friend. But, of course, I'm very biased against this government. 

The thing is, at least a plurality of voters are sick of Trudeau's face. That's the trend's baseline, and it grows from there. Add to that the incompetence of the Trudeau government -- not to mention the lack of ethics -- and you've got the recipe right for not only possible but highly likely defeat.

So, in short, if Trudeau does something incredible, the trend could change. Likewise, if Poilièvre makes a mistake, deliberate or otherwise, between now and voting day. But neither is very likely.

Now to the numbers: CPC: 36, LPC: 28, NDP: 22, BQ: 7, GP: 5 and PPC: 4. (Rounded off numbers.)  Pierre Poilièvre is also leading Justin Trudeau by five points as preferred prime minister, and that's about as significant a sea change as you can get in politics. Put another way, the Trudeau dike has been successfully breached. As I said, people are fed up with Trudeau's mug, and the inevitable beneficiary can only be Poilièvre.

The erosion of Liberal support is all the more telling in the GTA, where the Trudeau Liberals pick up their seats needed to win at least a minority government. The drop in support is not only noticeable, but is significant to this point.

That tells me, that Trudeau remains clueless, as usual, on this like pretty much everything else, and foolishly forced his hand on the membership at the Ottawa convention. This guy has sealed his own fate and his party's by hanging on. You know, it's all about excessive ego and pride, a Justin Trudeau super specialty.

Them political chickens have finally come home to roost. Screw him and his stupid government. May they get the political lesson of their careers on election night. From my keyboard, hopefully to God's ears. Most likely voters have finally had enough.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Canadians Are Sick Of His Face.

This idiot is the only one in this country who can't clearly see that his time is already up.

People are sick of this guy and are pretty much ready to move on to someone else, ANYONE else.

Have you ever seen a more incompetent, clueless government? No ethics, good management or political judgment and absolutely no class.

Enough, already. Just take us to an election and be bloody quick about it. That asshole needs to be turfed ASAP.

Tuesday, 2 May 2023


Trump was in the basement. Not anymore.  One poll (Emerson) had Trump ahead by a whopping 46 points while a recent one (CBS News/YouGov) has Trump leading DeSantis by 36, and that's with DeSantis up in the recent poll seven points. So, the operative question is why?

Without a doubt, Saint Trump being persecuted by a multitude of DAs has taken a political corpse and brought it vibrantly back to life with the MAGA base. The other thing is Trump staying far away from Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. That also helps against DeSantis. But the elephant in the room is Florida's six-week abortion ban. How is that playing among Republican pro-life women? I wonder. So it could be a factor in the mix: a woman says she's resolutely pro-life, but maybe she believes that other women should have more options than an absolute abortion ban. The latter is not DeSantis' position. But we're spitballing here.

My sneaking suspicion is, as Republican women go in Florida, so will they go in most other states. That will either throw a life preserver to DeSantis or finally sink him politically.

Whether it's tears of despair or great joy, Mickey and Minnie Mouse will be there to thoroughly comfort and buck up the hapless governor, or newly rising phoenix.