The thing is, at least a plurality of voters are sick of Trudeau's face. That's the trend's baseline, and it grows from there. Add to that the incompetence of the Trudeau government -- not to mention the lack of ethics -- and you've got the recipe right for not only possible but highly likely defeat.
So, in short, if Trudeau does something incredible, the trend could change. Likewise, if Poilièvre makes a mistake, deliberate or otherwise, between now and voting day. But neither is very likely.
Now to the numbers: CPC: 36, LPC: 28, NDP: 22, BQ: 7, GP: 5 and PPC: 4. (Rounded off numbers.) Pierre Poilièvre is also leading Justin Trudeau by five points as preferred prime minister, and that's about as significant a sea change as you can get in politics. Put another way, the Trudeau dike has been successfully breached. As I said, people are fed up with Trudeau's mug, and the inevitable beneficiary can only be Poilièvre.
The erosion of Liberal support is all the more telling in the GTA, where the Trudeau Liberals pick up their seats needed to win at least a minority government. The drop in support is not only noticeable, but is significant to this point.
That tells me, that Trudeau remains clueless, as usual, on this like pretty much everything else, and foolishly forced his hand on the membership at the Ottawa convention. This guy has sealed his own fate and his party's by hanging on. You know, it's all about excessive ego and pride, a Justin Trudeau super specialty.
Them political chickens have finally come home to roost. Screw him and his stupid government. May they get the political lesson of their careers on election night. From my keyboard, hopefully to God's ears. Most likely voters have finally had enough.
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