Monday, 19 June 2023

SNC Lavalin: And Now Watch Them Shit Their Pants.

This isn't some kind of a triviality we're talking about: this is about quite deliberate obstruction of justice by government officials, likely both elected and not elected.

They must be about to shit their pants. The RCMP is definitely gunning for someone. I wonder if any of them will get to spend some time in the big house? Couldn't happen to a more ethical bunch.

Frankly, I'm sure the Mounties already have them dead to rights. the news and thoroughly enough the exquisite payback. JWR and JP, not to mention CCC, did not leave for nothing.

Obstruction of justice. In deeds but not in words. Stupid is as stupid does. That's too bad.

1 comment:

  1. Ronald-is there anyway we can correspond offline. I am at
