Saturday, 28 October 2023

Pence Suspends His Campaign.

In short, the money dried up, which is a crying shame. Pence was both the spoken and unspoken hero on January 6th. Frankly, by his actions, he earned that nomination, but big money felt differently. No question, he would have had my vote in a general if I was an American citizen. I have to hope that Pence is like Reagan: a man who ran twice before he met his destiny.

Good things are to come for Pence. He will keep his faith in God and bide his time. Pence is an American hero, unlike his rivals. That should mean something. Hopefully, Pence will live to fight another day. His country owes him a huge debt of gratitude. But for his actions, it might have once again been civil war time. Americans need to remember that. 

To Pence, I say, look to a better day and God's speed in his political future. 

Israel vs. Hamas.

The IDF has finally gone into Gaza. This is a good versus evil story: take both the Israeli and Palestinian people out of the equation, and then watch what each side has done or continues to do. You will see war crimes, crimes against humanity and other inhuman atrocities. 

Recognize in all cases who committed them first and last. Watch the footage and then tell me with a straight face that Hamas' actions weren't out-and-out terrorism. 

The IDF will make mistakes and kill civilians, but not intentionally. Can the same be said of Hamas? But even Israel as the victim will be held to a high standard on how it conducts this war. 

God is watching. He's already seen what has been done to civilians and he will act accordingly. In other words, an evil end result awaits those who chose to quite deliberately kill civilians. You can count on your God for that. 

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Ukraine: Either Way It's WWIII A Coming.

Just love it! I live and breathe solely for the next global war, the one that will destroy the demon seeds and despots who have already aligned with each other in pursuit of the various dictates of evil. In the West, we need to wake up: this won't be a war between one block and another. Rather, it will be a flat out contest for the soul of this planet between the forces of good and those of evil. Full stop, as the Americans say.

That circus in DC is making Republicans look like idiots generally and fascists specifically when it comes to those who no longer support funding for Ukraine. It's almost an action of out-and-out traitors. That's why the dipshits want to split the aid bill to bring succour to the head of the evil empire. These dolts are actually stupid enough not to realize that Ukraine is only the first stop on the road of the head demon seed. Withdraw funding gets you to WWIII one hell of a lot faster than funding does, but either way, we'll get there.

Under the first scenario, Putin will post-Ukraine take on NATO and decisively lose. All the more reason to stay all in with funding to delay as much as possible the inevitable. The Russian capacity to wage effective war needs to be degraded as much as possible. That can't happen if Ukraine funding is pulled. Another reason for continuing funding is quite simply because it's the right thing to do. Ukraine needs quite literally all the matériel, armament and other things it can get to win on the ground, or at least prevent Russia from winning. 

In short, WWII was such a war. WWIII won't be any different. So suck it up, buttercup, and stand with the forces of good. In the eyes of God, that's the only possible choice.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Israel: Glad I'm Not Bibi.

It's not going well for Netanyahu. There's a bit of good news, but the rest is mostly bad: most Israelis don't want to change horse in midstream as total war is waged against Hamas. It's a fight to the finish, and Bibi is secure in his position as Prime Minister.

But polls show that over sixty percent of Israelis want someone else as PM once the war against Hamas is won. They also indicate that his party could lose as much as one third of their seats in the Knesset. Then there's the accountability for a massive Israeli intelligence failure, having missed the terrorist attacks. After the October 1973 war, Meir resigned as PM as Labour was divided. So it could happen again, eventually.

Then there's the matter of Netanyahu's view of Hamas as a counterweight to Fatah and the Palestinian Authority. By allowing Hamas to rule in Gaza, the PA was undermined as settlements increased in The West Bank, and that in effect put the kibosh on the establishment of a Palestinian state. It was a divide and conquer strategy. Ultimately, it perhaps incited tragedy as terrorism was unleashed on Israel by Hamas.

Fortunately, most of the civilized world is standing full square with Israel. It will be a long, hard, bloody slog with significant military and paramilitary losses on both sides. Israel and Palestine have already experienced huge civilian losses and unfortunately, a lot more are to come. But the IDF will do its job in Gaza. They're confident they can root out Hamas. The odds are likely in their favour, but the finality of destroying Hamas is not a certainty. That remains to be seen as this war against terrorism continues.   

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Hamas Terrorism.

No question, what has happened is akin to, if not quite literally, war crimes and crimes against humanity. None of this can be undone, unseen or unsaid. As has been noted elsewhere, this is the greatest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust, and it needs to be, at the very least, thoroughly condemned. This is a no-excuses zone, a place where qualification is not in order. It is quite literally a test of each person's humanity.

To think of the suffering and death related to this tragedy is almost too much to bear on an individual, family and even societal level. These were indeed vile, indecent and inhumane deeds. No question about that. 

It will get far worse long before it gets better, as the IDF enters Gaza in search of the terrorists. Military casualties along with civilian ones are likely to be of an order infrequently seen in previous regional conflicts. The IDF will pay as heavy a price as is necessary to destroy Hamas in Gaza. In fact, the resolve of all Israel expects nothing less. So, the IDF will do what it has to do. Going in, no one really knows how it will turn out. But the justification is there, and that's all that matters now.

Both collectively and individually, the strain is almost too much to bear, especially in Israel and for civilians in Gaza. The grieving process will be long, bitter and life changing. For those of us in the West, difficult days, weeks and months lie ahead as well as the fight continues. But Israel is confident it can accomplish its mission, and few doubt it. 

For my part, after a week of roller coaster emotions and incredible sadness, I have a binary choice ahead: either detach mentally or quite literally risk going crazy. Far be it from me to tell others what to do, but in my case, the time for almost complete emotional investment must necessarily come to an end. 

None of this changes the fact that this is indeed a war between good and evil. That is an ever present constant in all of this, coupled with who started this war, Hamas. I will let the IDF do its work, as it must, while hoping for a minimum of civilian casualties on both sides. 

Hamas opted for terrorism and a war on Israel. The IDF will finish it.

Saturday, 7 October 2023

Hamas Attack On Israel.

This attack must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. Diplomatic and economic sanctions must be the order of the day. The minute civilians are the target of attacks, you lose all credibility and justification for initiating attacks. Hamas has hurt itself far more than it could ever potentially hurt Israel. This puts the final nail in the already distant prospect of seeing a Palestinian state. Without a doubt, Israel will close ranks and win this war. Hamas already knows that, and yet they proceeded with these terrorist attacks anyway. 

Thursday, 5 October 2023

House Republicans: They're Passing For Dolts That Can't Properly Run A Lemonade Stand.

Too funny. McCarthy is out and God knows who's about to come in. The Gang of Eight preferred to blow up the place than to get on with the nation's business. Scalise vs. Jordan. They say it's a tight race, but that's bullshit: most Republicans are pissing mad at what Gaetz pulled. So that can only benefit Scalise, you know, the only true adult in the race. One moron has even nominated Trump. What a dipshit. Well, actually, two dipshits.

McCarthy thought Democrats would save his sorry ass in the end. That wasn't ultra-bright to coin an expression. So now, the bitter fool is moving to take away Democratic offices. Classy as hell. Petty. I won't miss him as speaker, not one minute.

Anyone with a brain has already figured out that this soap opera has only narrowed the majority's chances of remaining the majority in 2024. So, it was a good day for Democrats. No question. 

House Republicans better get their shit together and fast. Otherwise, it's likely back to minority status. They have one week to begin the process which will potentially restore their credibility. Better get it right and then keep their eyes on the prize: governing responsibly. If they don't, the future will be an inevitable repeat of the recent past. That's what keeps Democrats smiling.

Monday, 2 October 2023

English Canada: Happy Now?

It isn't bad enough that I've had to be screaming at you all by my lonesome since 1982 to repair the constitutional obscenity. But No, you collectively decided to respond Fuck You.

Well now, them chickens have finally come home and upended Quebec politics for good. The Quebec Liberals are finished, never to form government ever again. They're now nothing more than an anglophone rump party. Think Reform or Canadian Alliance.

In short, the CAQ is already dead. It's not a question  of if but only a matter of WHEN. The PQ will form the next government with a new referendum more than likely in a second mandate and this time, they will win it.

Like the Yanks say, you snooze, you lose. The fools have been collectively snoring since 19 fucking 82! Now, it's the beginning of the end. The piper has started to play and must be paid.

So...Yes, I will be petty as hell. Told you, until I was blue in the face so many times I lost count. 

The boobs in Ottawa need a reality check and this should just about do it. Mulroney was right. All of you were wrong. We're finally getting what we so richly deserve. Boo, hoo, hoo.

Victoire Du PQ Dans Jean-Talon.

Ce n'est que le début de la fin pour la CAQ.