Sunday, 22 October 2023

Ukraine: Either Way It's WWIII A Coming.

Just love it! I live and breathe solely for the next global war, the one that will destroy the demon seeds and despots who have already aligned with each other in pursuit of the various dictates of evil. In the West, we need to wake up: this won't be a war between one block and another. Rather, it will be a flat out contest for the soul of this planet between the forces of good and those of evil. Full stop, as the Americans say.

That circus in DC is making Republicans look like idiots generally and fascists specifically when it comes to those who no longer support funding for Ukraine. It's almost an action of out-and-out traitors. That's why the dipshits want to split the aid bill to bring succour to the head of the evil empire. These dolts are actually stupid enough not to realize that Ukraine is only the first stop on the road of the head demon seed. Withdraw funding gets you to WWIII one hell of a lot faster than funding does, but either way, we'll get there.

Under the first scenario, Putin will post-Ukraine take on NATO and decisively lose. All the more reason to stay all in with funding to delay as much as possible the inevitable. The Russian capacity to wage effective war needs to be degraded as much as possible. That can't happen if Ukraine funding is pulled. Another reason for continuing funding is quite simply because it's the right thing to do. Ukraine needs quite literally all the matériel, armament and other things it can get to win on the ground, or at least prevent Russia from winning. 

In short, WWII was such a war. WWIII won't be any different. So suck it up, buttercup, and stand with the forces of good. In the eyes of God, that's the only possible choice.

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