Sunday, 17 January 2021

Apparently, We've Got No Interest In Trump Conservatives Or Their Methods.

I'll say one thing right off the bat: if O'Toole and the party establishment are really of that mind, then it's one hell of a gutsy move. Even in my small CPC world, I happen to have friends who are pro-Trump, even after everything. I wonder just how much of the membership really thinks that way -- Bergen MAGA hat, or no MAGA hat.

Obviously, as a longstanding and permanent progressive conservative, I'm more than delighted if what appeared in The Star is accurate: I'm thoroughly in the RBG column having long ago branded Trump as both a phoney and a faker.

However, didn't see his dictatorial tendencies coming which now are for all to see. Frankly, I'm even amazed that they won't actually have to drag him out of The White House, especially after the Trump-provoked insurgency on Capitol Hill. But I digress.

I've always maintained that O'Toole or MacKay were basically two sides of the same coin. I went with Peter because I know him slightly and in my book, he was comfortable with the Mulroney side of the party. (Of course, not the money in little packets side. LOL.)

I think that Erin's instincts are correct that everyone in the party is deserving of a voice and respect from all. You don't have to agree with them -- or even make policy based on their positions but they are first-class party members just like the rest of us.

Where I draw the line is on the various Proud You-Know-What-Incarnations. They are just fascists under another convenient cloak and I've got absolutely no time for those types. Nor should the CPC.

So, I'm on board for the long haul come what may. I support the leader and the good news is that he doesn't get under my skin like the last two. Basically, with Harper it was no-go from the moment he became Alliance leader and that never changed. Scheer was way out of his depth on Day One but hey, even I, if then a member, would have enthusiastically supported him just to get the maximum dividend possible, you know, keeping You Know Who out.

In the end, it boils down to this: a highly strategic and middle-class focused O'Toole beats a Trudeau one, stuck with far more negative baggage than is good for him, or his re-election chances. Like I said during my ten years of Liberal membership, I supported Marc Garneau for leader. That says it all, I think. I see Marc got a well-deserved promotion and I couldn't be happier. Bonne chance! But once again, I digress.

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