Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Empty Hypodermic: On Panic's Edge.

Over at the Office of the Prime Minister and Privy Council, they aren't exactly all smiles these days. If you can't guess why, then just consider this: you know, they could once again re-name the building and call it what it is -- Empty Hypodermic. The ever dutiful professionals in PCO will do what they can to advise and help out their political masters but even their expertise and competence has its limits, given who's actually Prime Minister. I mean, they don't exactly have a whole lot to work with, now do they?

In any event, now that the PM, Katie and Company and party strategic thinkers have reverted to the mean, that suggests double trouble -- so, in reality, they've only got one possible hope left: they absolutely must bring in Broadhurst full-time to try and turn this vaccine tide. Katie can't do it, nor can Gerry so that leaves only Jeremy to thread this needle.

The funny part will be watching them all in panic mode, most especially Freeland, who will suddenly and rather unexpectedly be looking for a new Chief of Staff. Can even Broadhurst pull it off? I'll be charitable: we'll see soon enough.

A lot more strategic fun and games lie ahead as they try to save HMCS Trudeau. Meanwhile, many Canadians tragically will continue to die while two others rot in a Chinese prison. Dief once said that polls were for dogs. In 2021, the former PM would no doubt have had Liberal Party polls in mind.

Now, they'll all really get to earn their salary trying to save this sinking ship. But the boilers are still burning, so she'll only stay afloat for a while yet. After that, the ship of state will more than likely be transferred onboard HMCS O'Toole.

And so it goes, in federal politics.

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