Saturday, 20 February 2021

This Is How BOJO Blows It.

Boris with regard to this worldwide pandemic experience was truly blessed by fate: he got COVID-19 and that led to his travelling on the same road as Saint Paul all the way to his own Damascus. He said it himself: the NHS saved his life and his illness gave him new insights, clarity and a better focus on what's truly important in life. It also made BOJO a better person.

But now, Boris is about to face an even more fierce enemy -- one that he and the Chancellor fear and traditionally would not tread on. It's the grand architect of monetary policy known as the Bank of England. The BOE is to economic sanity, stable markets and financial institutions as One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was to modern mental health services.

The BOE are not simply grievously misguided. In fact they are downright crazy. They have already served notice on the banks that they intend to implement negative interest rates in the next six months. That will not only put a dagger to financial services but will also ultimately destroy the UK's economy. 

The UK will become a meaningless shell of its former self as economic misery takes hold in every quarter of British society. In my book, that's called Japanization of the economy and we all know how that turned out post-1990. But for the Japanese stock market bubble of today, the economy would still be in ruins.

One would think that five years of what I've termed the ECB's Lagarde Lunacy would have been more than enough, but I guess not for the BOE...

So, in short, this is how Boris blows it next time. Some will call a PM's forceful intervention almost unprecedented. But anyone with a brain and some cogent level of strategic insight will call it smart politics instead.

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