Sunday, 30 May 2021

Canada Is Dying One Day At A Time.

This post concerns comments that I left on I hope you enjoy it and that it spurs internal reflection, if not debate.


This has been and is still today a disingenuous country from the get-go, period. It’s based on the false political premise of bilingualism, largely promoted by Pierre Elliott Trudeau and company. Trouble is, in English Canada through the generations, there was absolutely no desire to run their provinces or territories reflexively in both English and French. Young people took French immersion and spent the rest of their lives living them out solely in English. It’s a fucking joke: English Canada wants to run its affairs only in English, just like daddy USA…in short, absolutely no good faith intent to make this country a truly bilingual nation. When I was at Carleton in the 80s, I was astounded and beyond irritated hearing from Franco-Ontarians how they couldn’t get served in French, in the nation’s capital, at the municipal level. Robert, you’ll be able to tell us if they truly can today and if employees of the city of Ottawa speak both English and French while doing their jobs internally but I still have my doubts. But I digress. Face facts English Canada, there is no province or territory in this country that’s bilingual, meaning 80-90% of its residents speak both official languages on a daily basis. Sadly, there is but one region: it’s called Northern New Brunswick and its mostly the Acadians and the Brayons who speak English and French on a daily basis. That says it all about a supposedly bilingual Canada.

Now to my province: like English Canada who genuinely only wants to speak English on a daily basis, French-speaking Quebecers also want their society to be run solely in French. Those with a North American perspective, especially the young and up and coming generations want to learn English and make it their business to learn it. In the millennial generation, there are more bilingual young people than ever before and that trend will continue, regardless of language legislation.

Now as to the constitutional front, English Canada goes out of its way, via their political leaders, not to recognize Quebec as anything other than just a typical province. For Christ’s sake, even my grandmother saw reality on the ground and was for special-status for Quebec in the 1960s and 70s. But English Canada had and continues to have other ideas, namely, fuck Quebec with The Constitution Act 1982, fuck them again on Meech Lake, screw them once more vis-a-vis Charlottetown and go out of their way to keep screwing Quebec in the future. THAT’S REALITY, English Canada.

So, in the final analysis, this country will ultimately be politically dismembered by English Canada and we will walk. But we won’t be alone because those same political morons who are screwing Quebec have a second game going at the same time and it's called fucking Alberta and that too will continue even after Quebec leaves, so Canada, prepare for Alberta’s eventual exit as well.

In short, this country was always doomed from the start: Atlantic Canada and Ontario with one vision, largely achieved; Quebec with another with special-status within the federation and the West with their own vision of a truly equal nation as regards political power and influence spread across this country at the federal level and between the provinces and territories themselves. But they, like Quebec, will never, ever, get what they want, so one day AB walks either to go it alone, or join the United States.

Put bluntly, Canadian politicians in English Canada have made their beds and the people in each jurisdiction have foolishly supported them since 1867. From the start, no one on the ground wanted all Canadians to be functionally bilingual and no one ever will. So, don’t cry for me Argentina — it’s no longer a matter of when Canada will be no more, it’s only a question of when and that date is approaching a lot sooner than most people think. First Quebec goes bye, bye, and then Alberta. That’s what most of English Canada wants and that’s what they’ll get.

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