The time for sugar coating and discretion is the better part of valour is long over: COVID-19, like SARS and MERS clearly originated in nature, only to be quite deliberately weaponized for future military purposes. Think about it for a moment. The next worldwide conflagration was bound to be out of the box with mini-confrontations thrown into the mix for testing purposes. In this case, only three words are needed to suffice: that renegade province, otherwise known as strategic objective number one by peaceful methods if possible and by eventual military might if absolutely necessary. But make no mistake: if conquest is the required instrument, then conquest it will be.
Throw in a lab pathogen that has been deliberately manipulated, perhaps even a thousand times and the plot thickens. So, the objective was mass delivery via airplanes and worldwide transmission. Some testing ground. But military strategy required it. It was the ultimate means to a strategic end, namely territorial conquest with the enemy having virtually no capacity to meaningfully resist thanks to future COVID-19 variants designed in a lab.
Now, let us move to variants writ large: some, at least in the initial phases would be mostly benign with morbidity rates effectively at baseline levels, say 2-3%. But strategic objectives would necessitate the production of other variants with a much higher death rate. Think of Brazil and India, or if you prefer, the tips of that iceberg. In short, we ain't seen nothing yet. It's all part of the grand plan.
Moving on to vaccines, which are essential to maintaining human health but always at least one step behind the latest surfacing engineered variants. They are designed to effectively reduce symptoms of the initial variants. No one claims they can prevent COVID-19. Imagine the gamechanger as new variants emerge that are far more deadly to a broader section of the human community.
Scientists and doctors are all about the traditional concept of mass vaccination and herd immunity. Quite obviously, novel variants that were deadly way beyond a scope previously seen would put the flame to herd immunity and likely render it almost impossible. Another quite deliberate gamechanger.
So, where does that leave humanity? Reasonably, one can conclude that variants could still be with us in say five or ten years. Forget about The Spanish Flu and its two to three year duration. Today, we're entering a new deadly paradigm that will shake humanity to its very core.
Make no mistake, the only genuine motive was one of wargaming with humans used as test subjects and lab rats, period. And yes, it does have shades of the Second Coming but it's far too early to credibly comment on that.
Medical practioners and virologists' main enemy is inducing panic among various populations. That's immediately followed by preventing a hot war. Sadly, these efforts are illusionary at best.
Over three million people dead and counting with so much worse to come of an order of magnitude likely so shocking that the human mind can't bear to even contemplate it. Ultimately, a terribly tragic reality for humankind, and one that should never have been contemplated by human beings.
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