From the beginning I suspected Level 4 lab involvement of some sort but found proof wanting. Even WHO, the CDC and other agencies stuck to the wet market official line.
Almost two years later and tit for tat accusations are starting to surface but only in classified settings or on the internet margins: the first scenario passes the buck to JSDCMC operatives while another theory implicates the CIA.
The story goes that on orders from the highest level glass ampoules were smashed in the Wuhan Wet Market. But will we ever know? Not a chance.
If COVID-19 does in fact have a human component that would put it way past a genocide -- it would rank above all else as a crime against humanity. It would also be regarded as a quite deliberate act of war were a nation-state culprit ever disclosed.
So, what has humanity learned? First and foremost that the next WW, should it come about will primarily be based on the wide dispersion of biological agents. Like it or not, COVID-19 serves as an invaluable template and teacher for war colleges everywhere.
As tragic as the deaths are, they pale in comparison with the lack of accountability. This is the new and semi-permanent normal. In a sense, humanity should be crying out for accountability where there is none. Unfortunately, thus far, 5,385,351 souls have left this Earth with no one serving as their advocate for bringing someone or some nation-state to justice. That is likely to remain the most striking lesson of the COVID-19 pandemic.
May God help humanity.
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