Sunday, 26 November 2023

Irish PM Varadkar.

What an I-D-I-O-T!

Makes me regret, at least for one day, that I'm Irish.

Trudeau Is Going Nowhere. Absolutely No Surprise There.

It's so nice to have called this right, but then again it was so predictable: in a word, Valiquette, as Communications Executive Director.

Too funny. HimselfTM once again has proven how he's only driven by inflated pride and ego, just like so many of his ministers. Canadians don't want him there, many in cabinet and caucus want him gone, and ditto among the membership. But this guy knows better, so it's the middle digit to all of them! Again, no surprise there.

So, they'll all get to go down together in a likely swan dive. HimselfTM's world revolves only around him, and so be it. Of course, when the history gets written, somehow, someway, he'll have managed to put the blame entirely on someone, ANYONE else he can think of...

Nope, no way, he's no Harper. Taking personal responsibility for the massive upcoming defeat ain't in his DNA or lexicon. Not now, not ever.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Hospitals In Gaza.

In short, tunnels. Hello! To ask the question is to answer it. I mean, the medical staff aren't crazy. They know exactly what will happen to each of them if they don't sing from the No Tunnels hymnbook. Hamas will fucking kill them in a New York minute. Glad I was able to clear that one up for you.

Saturday, 18 November 2023

Palestine: Why Biden Is Totally Out To Lunch.

In two words: Abu Mazen. In 2021, Palestinian parliamentary elections and by extension presidential elections were postponed. Mazen has been in power for 18 years, after election to an original four-year term. The level of corruption within the Palestinian Authority is legendary, with close family members of leaders becoming incredibly wealthy. Rumours abound that Mazen himself is worth eight figures. In short, much of the Palestinian people are disgusted with the systemic corruption. Put another way, if presidential and parliamentary elections are ever held, Fatah will likely suffer an intense reckoning at the polls, particularly if Mazen remains as its presidential candidate.

That means that any talk of the PA running things both on the West Bank and eventually in Gaza is dangerous and destabilizing. No wonder Netanyahu views that as a non-starter. The PA needs to clean itself up, but time is running out. Hence, the recent alleged assassination attempt against Mazen, which the PA denies.

Washington and the other Western capitals must tie future aid to systemic and visible reform. No more blank cheques from anyone. Maybe, just maybe, if the West Bank moves towards actual democracy, perhaps there will be hope for a warm peace between Israel and Palestine.  But not before. The autocratic mentality that has flourished in so many other parts of the Middle East is thoroughly entrenched on the West Bank. That's painfully obvious, both in the region and around the world. 

Éric Grenier Said It First Over At The Writ.

Once again, Éric has proven why he's one of the best: he's mused recently about Trudeau possibly going from third right back to third and I, for one, think he's really on target, even if Grenier said we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. HimselfTM is exactly about only that. Jesus could appear and ask him to resign for the good of his country, party and its members, and it would never happen. Not now, not ever, until the Liberals lose monumentally big, perhaps even in lesser numbers than Ignatieff did. 

Trudeau is all about his humongous ego and overinflated pride, just like quite a few of his ministers, who shall remain nameless. This Prime Minister is well known for overpromising and underdelivering. Blowing smoke is a Trudeau government specialty.

So, Yes, Virginia, Santa Claus is about to bring Trudeau one large holiday lump of coal. Personally, I've never seen a government so good at one thing, digging its own grave. Harper was great at it, but Trudeau has no equal. Simply divine and politically delicious. Why do you think that PhoneyBaloneyTM has already decided to run out the clock and go with the fixed election date? It's because they know that between now and 2025 it’s not recoverable, so they'll painfully stick it out until voters finally kick them to the curb. They think this is 1979 all over again, with an eventual Trudeau rebound in the cards. They're wrong.

Succinctly put, the longer HimselfTM hangs on, the lower Liberal polling numbers will likely go. I really hope Trudeau stays until his mandate runs out. If you think the Conservatives already are in great shape, just wait until we get into 2024 and beyond. No wonder Poilièvre keeps smiling. He has reason to, largely due to this PM and his government's failing and serially adrift policy.  

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Taking Them Out.

This is how I expect it to go: the top echelon will be surveilled for at least six months. And then when the first opportunity comes in a third-country, boom, you're dead.

But then again, what do I know?

Monday, 13 November 2023

Trump: If The Left Is Vermin, What Does That Make Him?

It makes Trump the greatest scumbag, piece of shit who ever walked the face of the Earth and that's only on a good day.

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Abortion And 2024.

The off off-year election cycle was great for abortion rights advocates in Kentucky, Ohio and Virginia. That quite frankly was a surprise. I wasn't expecting that. Thought inflation and the economy would be the main issues but they weren't. Which brings me to 2024: it won't be independents calling the electoral tune, like usually happens, it will be women, period.

Female turnout will decide who becomes president and that's definitely an unexpected lifeline headed in Biden's direction.

Most of us already wrote him off, against the asshole. But now, it's unexpectedly Morning Again in America with the sun coming out. Meanwhile, said asshole is planning to trample on human rights and wreak havoc on U.S. trade if his fascists once again make it to the White House. God forbid. If only Trump could do the world a huge favour and drop dead. Surely, that's not too much to ask of him now is it?

But back to Biden: he's a dead politician walking right now but what are a majority of women thinking and what will they do next November? Precisely.

My bet is on them both fucking Trump and his sympathetic dimwits in the House. In short, Biden gets re-elected and the Dems take back the House after the pathetic MAGA Clown Show. 

Sure, independent candidates running for president helps Trump but women will massively counteract that electoral trend. Just watch them. 

Women are in the cat bird's seat in 2024. I hope they make the most of it.

Friday, 10 November 2023

Israel: Realpolitik Enemy Number One.

Realpolitik is responsible to a great extent for the underming of Israel's security: it all started with Shalit's release in exchange for over one thousand Palestinian prisoners held in jails.

You see, the national mentality is one of viewing hostages as the highest priority for the Israeli state and that, at least theoretically, is a monumental mistake. 

In war time, your focus should be exclusively on beating and destroying your enemy but not this time. Eliminating Hamas is only Job Two. Hostage return is Job One. The Israeli public absolutely demands nothing less, across party lines.

So, inevitably, national security will be severely damaged if or when the hostages return home. Estimates of Palestinian prisoners run from eight to ten thousand. Just imagine what happens after all of them are released. Not pretty.

Israel is boxed in ahead of time with Hamas coming out as the big winner post the return of Israeli and other Jewish hostages.

You just can't fight the trend and Hamas knows it. We should all hope and pray for the safe return of all hostages but at the same time bemoan this likely precedent. Wait until next time. How much blackmail will Israel have to endure when past once again becomes prologue?

Human life inevitably trumps national security and destruction of one's enemy. Incredibly troubling but a price Israel is seemingly prepared to pay in spades. God help Israel going forward.

Monday, 6 November 2023

Biden's Polls.

As Carville said, these polls are nothing different from most of the others over the last six months. Carville is becoming more and more skeptical that Biden can beat Trump. Meanwhile, Axelrod is not calling for Biden to step aside, but he is willing to speak theoretically on a ticket without Biden. Axe said a third-party challenge from another Democrat will go nowhere.

Distill all of the above, and you get this: few will go on the record hoping that Biden changes his mind and in the end does not run in '24. But it's pretty much crystal clear that most Democratic strategists would breathe one hell of a lot easier if Biden decided to take a powder. 

In short, few believe now that Biden can beat Trump. That remains to be seen if Biden sticks around. Reagan was way behind and came back. Ditto for Clinton. But neither of them had high inflation and an interest rate spike. So, this is sort of new ground, and Biden stays in this race at his peril.

My prediction hasn't changed: I've thought for a while that Biden won't be the Democratic nominee in the end. We'll find out soon enough if I'm a political genius or a total idiot. Stay tuned!

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Totally Incredible: Worldwide BLIND Support For Demon Seeds.

Don't give me any more of your fucking bullshit: you're not idiots. You know that he or they are certified demon seeds, agents of evil. You fucking know it, and yet you continue to support him or them. You make excuses for him or them and justify whatever he or they do. What a bunch of demon apologists or active Satan-worshippers. 

And worse than that, when people have the guts to take you on with the absolute truth, you boo, threaten or attack them, sometimes verbally, sometimes not. 

You're becoming fucking Nazis and couldn't care less that you're imitating Nazis. Fucking pathetic. Just wait until you meet your maker. Here's a news flash for all of you. It won't be pretty and definitely won't go as you expect or imagined.

Fucking incredible. That's how Hitler came to power, thanks to people EXACTLY like you, people who behaved the way all of you are behaving. 

Give your fucking heads a shake before it's too late. He and they are going to Hell. If you have any sense left, change your ways now before you ultimately get to join them