Saturday, 18 November 2023

Éric Grenier Said It First Over At The Writ.

Once again, Éric has proven why he's one of the best: he's mused recently about Trudeau possibly going from third right back to third and I, for one, think he's really on target, even if Grenier said we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves. HimselfTM is exactly about only that. Jesus could appear and ask him to resign for the good of his country, party and its members, and it would never happen. Not now, not ever, until the Liberals lose monumentally big, perhaps even in lesser numbers than Ignatieff did. 

Trudeau is all about his humongous ego and overinflated pride, just like quite a few of his ministers, who shall remain nameless. This Prime Minister is well known for overpromising and underdelivering. Blowing smoke is a Trudeau government specialty.

So, Yes, Virginia, Santa Claus is about to bring Trudeau one large holiday lump of coal. Personally, I've never seen a government so good at one thing, digging its own grave. Harper was great at it, but Trudeau has no equal. Simply divine and politically delicious. Why do you think that PhoneyBaloneyTM has already decided to run out the clock and go with the fixed election date? It's because they know that between now and 2025 it’s not recoverable, so they'll painfully stick it out until voters finally kick them to the curb. They think this is 1979 all over again, with an eventual Trudeau rebound in the cards. They're wrong.

Succinctly put, the longer HimselfTM hangs on, the lower Liberal polling numbers will likely go. I really hope Trudeau stays until his mandate runs out. If you think the Conservatives already are in great shape, just wait until we get into 2024 and beyond. No wonder Poilièvre keeps smiling. He has reason to, largely due to this PM and his government's failing and serially adrift policy.  

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