Sunday 19 May 2024

Taylor Greene: A Perfect MAGA Representation.

You know, I wish Trump would choose Taylor Greene as his VEEP. After all, she's a perfect mini-representation of Trump! It's almost as if they were blood-related.

Anyway, that cat fight in the House Oversight Committee covered no one with glory. That's for sure. But hey, it's not like AOC or Crockett started it. But in the final analysis, TG wanted them to take the bait, and they did. Came off as nothing more than bitchy. It made all of them look stupid and petty.

Crockett says TG is a racist, but that charge gets diminished by the Crockett-inspired T-shirt. That was also a mistake if you're trying to claim and hold the high ground. 

At least they didn't come off as clueless and rudderless: that award goes to Comer, who seemingly needed to learn to quickly reign all of them in. 

What a disgrace...

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