Saturday, 8 March 2025

Federal Election: The Ballot Question WON'T Be About Trump.

Simply put, it won't be about Trump or who is better equipped to deal with a deranged lunatic. Conventional wisdom says it will be about Trump, and as per usual, they will be wrong.

The ballot question won't be about who you like. Quite frankly, neither Carney nor Poilièvre are held in any higher esteem than Trudeau is. You can take that one all the way to the bank. No one really likes either one of them. So, the voters will decide who forms the next government based on the lesser of two evils principle: some polls say Carney will win, but most suggest Poilièvre will beat the Liberals.

One of those two polling trends is wrong. Stay tuned!


Is The NATO-European Security Trade-Off Dead?

As in all things Trump, he's all over the place on NATO and American commitments to the organization. The original trade-off was a massive American financial contribution in exchange for a common European defence, which would dissuade Russia from moving aggressively against individual countries that fell under the NATO umbrella. In short, European collective security on the American dime. 

Trump's second coming has changed this: he's mused previously about withdrawing from NATO or suggesting that, essentially in its current form, NATO is already dead. Then he moved on to member country defence budgets: first suggesting that each state would have to reach the two percent defence spending ceiling but more recently arguing that each country should pay at least five percent of its GDP on military spending. Most NATO nations aren't close to spending two percent, so imagine what would happen to their domestic economies if five percent suddenly became the order of the day. I get that the United States is tired of paying the freight, and who can blame them? 

Then there's the matter of Ukraine and, more particularly, the view of Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy's argument is essentially two-fold: Young Ukrainians are dying in spades defending their country so that NATO's young people won't have to. The other point is that Ukraine serves as a buffer between NATO and Russia. Were Ukraine to be overrun by Russian forces, that would immediately put Eastern Europe in the crosshairs. It's no secret that Putin's grand ambition is to reconstitute the integrity of the former Soviet Union. If Ukraine falls under Russian control, which country will be next on Putin's list of territorial ambitions?

Zelenskyy has even offered to step down as president if NATO membership were on the table. But Trump doesn't want Ukraine in NATO. Whitaker, Trump's nominee for NATO representative, says Trump's commitment to NATO remains ironclad. We'll see. One suspects that once Whitaker is confirmed, the bullying sessions will immediately commence in Brussels. 

Trump is pushing for a ceasefire and has said previously that he wants to negotiate a deal directly with Russia, extraordinarily enough, without Ukraine's participation. Meanwhile, the United States and Ukraine will meet in Saudi Arabia to iron out the terms of a possible ceasefire proposal. 

The Europeans, for their part, are preparing their own peace deal, which they intend to submit to the United States. It calls for boots on the ground and planes in the air if Ukraine and Russia reach a ceasefire agreement. NATO peacekeepers, instead of independent peacekeepers. That likely would not sit well with Putin, so the European-Canadian plan is probably already a non-starter.

Finally, in light of growing European tensions, the EU and von der Leyen have proposed spending billions to rearm Europe. This new trend is reassuring or menacing, depending on your point of view. Where will Trump come down on this? It's anyone's guess.


Smith Endorses Poilièvre.

Smith. In short, a surprise to no one. Now, what will Ford do? Will he speak now or watch the polls instead. To be continued. 

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Are The Polls To Be Trusted: They're All Over The Place.

Hopefully, we're not in another Harris moment: I like Léger and Nanos.


CPC: 43

LPC: 30


GP: 4

BQ: 6

PPC: 2


CPC: 37

LPC: 34

NDP: 15

GP: 4

BQ: 8

PPC: 2

Sunday, 2 March 2025

A Not At All Sharpie Using A Sharpie.

Pretty much sums it up nicely!

Who The Fuck Is Aged Fifty-Five And BETTER???????????????????????????


If Trump Wants War With Russia All He Has To Do Is Leave NATO.

That will do it in a New York minute. Putin will start by invading Eastern Europe and, if there is no significant NATO opposition, will move on to Western Europe. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, BibiBrainTM Trump. 

USMCA-CUSMA: Make No Mistake About What Trump's Grand Plan Really Is.

Trump wants to kill USMCA, period. That's it in a nutshell, and he's using everything else as cover to accomplish this.

Fentanyl: Rosie Drops The Ball Again.

Rosie was interviewing O'Gorman from CBSA and not a question about what the RCMP and CBSA are doing to close the illegal fentanyl labs that are operating in Vancouver and Toronto...


The precursors used to produce fentanyl, namely, phenethyl bromide, propionyl chloride and sodium borohydride are illegally imported into Canada and then combined at the illegal fentanyl labs. CBSA is charged with stopping those imports.  

Ipsos: YIKES!

The leaderless liberals are now ahead of the CPC:

LPC: 38

CPC: 36

NDP: 12

GP: 4

PPC: 3

BQ: 6

It's not looking good.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

That Little Weak Man Wants An Apology From Zelenskyy.

What a joke. The raving lunatic's ego has been bruised. Poor baby. Trump has got such low self-esteem, not to mention self-awareness that boo hoo hoo, he needs an apology to feel good.

I've got news for Trump: You won't be getting it anytime soon. So, don't hold your breath because you'll likely go from orange to mango!

Ukraine: Wants Security Guarantees But Already Has Them Thanks To Starmer.

This is all the proof needed that the UK expects WWIII in the short to medium term. Starmer went to Khiv and signed security guarantees last January. So you know what that means: remember the German invasion of Poland in 1939. The Poles had previously signed security guarantees with the UK and France, so when Chamberlain declared war, both countries were, by default, automatically right in it. 

In the final analysis, it doesn't particularly matter if Trump provides security guarantees in exchange for the rare mineral deal because if Russia pushes across NATO borders or tries to overrun Ukraine, the UK will be smack in the middle of it -- that will bring in the rest of NATO and then Trump will be between a rock and a hard place.

As a result, Trump's fun starts as soon as Putin gets going. All those Russian troops mobilized on the Polish and Baltic states' borders aren't there just for show. Put another way, when Putin shows you who he is...  If Putin moves in Eastern Europe, it'll be fireworks and certainly not in a good way.

CPC Anti-Carney Ad Misses The Mark.

Pierre is focused on the wrong target to attack Carney effectively. The CPC went with their stupid carbon tax approach—you know, the tax that every single leadership candidate says is going the way of the Dodo bird. And to add insult to injury, they ran it with that atrocious red colour, which more than effectively negates any positive effects the ad would otherwise have had.

As usual, they are clueless, so I'll have to tell them how it's done: You portray Carney as the Sun King and keep in the shot a luxurious location with champagne, organic gourmet chocolates, strawberries, oysters, etc. You make sure that the ad is in vivid, vibrant, 5K-8K colour. And that's just ad one. For the second ad, you use Carney's serial appearances at the WEF in Davos. And so it goes, ad after ad.