Saturday, 1 March 2025

CPC Anti-Carney Ad Misses The Mark.

Pierre is focused on the wrong target to attack Carney effectively. The CPC went with their stupid carbon tax approach—you know, the tax that every single leadership candidate says is going the way of the Dodo bird. And to add insult to injury, they ran it with that atrocious red colour, which more than effectively negates any positive effects the ad would otherwise have had.

As usual, they are clueless, so I'll have to tell them how it's done: You portray Carney as the Sun King and keep in the shot a luxurious location with champagne, organic gourmet chocolates, strawberries, oysters, etc. You make sure that the ad is in vivid, vibrant, 5K-8K colour. And that's just ad one. For the second ad, you use Carney's serial appearances at the WEF in Davos. And so it goes, ad after ad.

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