Saturday, 22 February 2020

Tough Guy Politicians.

It's so easy for politicians to act tough and brave from the comfort of their living room. Political bluster is the highest form of representative cowardice.

Just listen to those big men telling all of us what to do. Talk is cheap and phoney boys. How about getting in on the action and parking your sanctimonious behinds on site -- that is, if you've actually got any real guts.

Government members can be part of the solution, you know, by negotiating a new economic framework and true partnership between governments, project proponents and First Nations. Oh yeah, I forgot, that's precisely what Trudeau doesn't want to do. Silly me.

Opposition MPs can also exercise a constructive role aimed at forcing this government to do what is long overdue: treat FNs like first-class human beings worthy of respect and consideration equal to what white people are used to receiving. Oops, I momentarily went off on an honorable tangent without realizing how opposition parties are always the toughest of tough guys. They simply can't resist their own hanging balls. So easy to BS your way in front of the public, isn't it now?

The further the distance between politician and protester, the more bellicose and threatening the rhetoric.

In short, the highly predictable actions of typically hypocritical politicians.

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