Sunday, 13 December 2020

Electoral College Time!

Tomorrow, the various electors meet in their state capitals to cast their votes for president. Don't expect any major surprises count-wise as the system does not allow electors, for the most part, to change their vote, especially when state law binds them to cast as per the electoral college results.

You might see a few write-ins but in most states, an elector who doesn't vote the EC line simply gets replaced, as several Republican electors found out last time when they tried to vote against Trump.

In short, it's the second last nail in the Trump coffin. The final one comes in January when Congress' lame duck joint session certifies the national result for president and vice-president.

As for Trump, expect to see him on the reviewing stand at Biden's swearing-in. Trump knows full well that if he didn't show that he would pass for the ultimate presidential political loser and Trump can't afford to take a chance of seeing history books making him out to be both a sore loser and a political coward. 

So, he'll be there but not exactly with bells on.

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