Saturday, 5 December 2020

From Trump's Georgia Blues To Biden's National Blues.

Trump, by virtue of being a certifiable idiot, clearly outclasses any other lesser pejorative insult he can hurl on others. To wit: he's called Georgia Governor Kemp a "moron" and a "nut job". Trump also regrets his previous endorsement of Kemp.

For the umpteenth time, Trump is proving once again that he isn't now and has never been a Republican. He's an absolute self-indulgent and self-centered political charlatan, period. Trump doesn't give a damn about Republican political fortunes -- it's all and only about him -- and thank God, finally, finally, Republicans are starting to get it as to who in fact is the ultimate political loser, and it ain't them.

This clueless being has taken two run-off Senate races that were practically in the bag for Perdue and Loeffler and turned them into likely Democratic wins -- Warnock and Ossoff must be on political cloud Nine as they watch the vote consolidate in their favour. 

Republicans are pissed to a significant degree with Trump's serial disregard of The Reagan Republican Law of never criticizing a fellow Republican and the end result: they won't go out there and crossover to the Democrats. Instead, they'll just stay home. In Canada, we call that the Ignatieff Effect.

On now to the Biden Blues: it's all about The Fed and money printing. It's also about stimulus but most important of all, Yellin. The Fed is already way past investing over nine trillion in this economy and everyone who's even remotely sentient knows that they will under Biden at least double that. That will first and foremost absolutely kill the U.S. dollar and send inflation up but not necessarily all the way to projected hyperinflation. 

Far more worrying is Yellen's selection as Treasury Secretary. She knows every nook and cranny of The Fed and likely will be the person who manages to merge The Fed with Treasury. And that, will have beyond ominous consequences on the national debt and deficits. 

Make no mistake, The Fed buying every debt instrument in sight is way beyond being economically dangerous. So too is The Fed buying stocks by way of their arrangement with Blackrock. So, expect the combined Treasury-Fed to stimulate right until the United States finally goes to Hell in a handbasket. But before it gets there, America will see first a huge debt market crash, followed by a stock market crash unparalleled with anything previously seen in history. These twin crashes will make 1929-30 look like a light-hearted walk in the park and as sure as I'm breathing, both are on the way. It's no longer a question of if, but merely a matter of when.

In short, the road to good intentions is a first-class ticket to economic hell. Biden means well, Yellin means well and so does Powell. But that in the final analysis, doesn't cut the mustard. It's all about the top getting richer to infinity while middle and lower class America burns. 

And it's already well on its way.

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