Friday, 4 December 2020

Teflon Trudeau?

You know me. I've never been one to preemptively start popping those champagne corks just because of polls. You see, pretty much all recent polls have the Liberals ahead, with some showing a lead of double digits. Colour me skeptical.

As most of you know, polling in recent times have often demonstrated that it's not so much what they say that's critical -- instead, it's more about how they say it and what respondents deliberately withhold or quite deliberately distort.

In short, we've come full circle and are right back to Diefenbaker: polls, are for 🐕 🐶.

Who can forget the most recent disaster where the highly anticipated Biden wave failed to show up or was immediately dead on arrival. But I digress.

This Prime Minister along with his so-called brain trust in the PMO no doubt think it's long in the bag. That's certainly not how I see it. Sure, the election right now would be Trudeau's to lose given the fact that even after five years, this PM still can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

The vast compilation of Liberal screw-ups are Trudeau screw-ups, courtesy of this Prime Minister. It's beyond remarkable to see a PM who has so little political acumen -- not to mention sound judgment. Quite frankly, the mind positively boggles.

So, it's up to O'Toole to make personal headway between now and the vote. Every move he makes has to be build-on and positive in nature, otherwise the Conservatives are dead politically, even before we get out of the gate.

Trudeau goes out of his way to provide Canadians with tens of reasons why they shouldn't vote Liberal. O'Toole needs to do the opposite and most especially turn the party into a soft, warm, kitten that draws people in. The Kitten-Conservatives. 😸 The party with a magnetic pull rather than acting as a repelling force that's only strength is to repeatedly play right into Liberal hands...

If anyone can turn this around it's O'Toole but he'll have to read members the riot act and if necessary, kick a little CPC ass. So many regions are looking for a compilation of reasons, or even legitimate excuses, to dump Trudeau in the next election.

It's our job in this party not to mimic Liberal efforts at sinking the good ship Trudeau. We need to do everything humanly possible to keep our own vessel afloat.

That's O'Toole's job  and no one knows that any better than O'Toole himself. Stay tuned.

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