Saturday, 12 February 2022

Truckers And THEIR Treason.

As we head into week three, blockades continue and lawlessness doesn't take a holiday. I don't know what some truckers are drinking or smoking but they're basically clueless: THEY don't get to decide who's prime minister or who are members of a given federal government. The collective arrogance of this lot and the nutbar quality of it all.

Some of them want to put Trudeau on trial and according to them, they have a divine right of kings to decide when mandates go. Who elected them to anything? So, in short, why don't they simply fuck off and go home.

And if that doesn't work, throw the lot of them who refuse to disperse in jail and let them cool their clearly deluded heels in the slammer for a month or two. Cause sorry bozos, mob rule won't take hold in Canada. Don't like the management at the federal, provincial, territorial or local level, then get off your ass in the next election and vote them out. can go quietly into the night, finally, or the cops and the army can crack heads. Either way, as sure as I'm breathing, you'll go. It's your choice. Do you still feel lucky?

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