Saturday, 26 February 2022

Ukraine: It's Good versus Putin EVIL.

If the United States will not move militarily, then it's up to the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to come to the aid of Europe, just like we did in the last two World Wars. This is a time for leadership and statecraft to free the world of the Putin menace. The Ukrainian people are waiting and desperate for our direct military intervention.

Someone, anyone, will have to break NATO’s solidarity of troop non-intervention NOW and come to Ukraine’s aid.

The Putin demon-seed says he’ll nuke any western nation that comes to Ukraine’s aid militarily. My response: so be it and expect a retaliatory nuclear strike that will quite literally wipe Russia off the face of the Earth if Putin does that!

It all boils down to this: like I said before, NATO can fight Putin now, or fight him later, after he’s enslaved Ukraine. The Baltic States are next and in short order.

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