Saturday, 2 April 2022

How Putin Problem Solves The World Right Into World War III.

Across the worldwide geopolitical community, there's an intense debate raging about what Putin actually knows of what is going on on the ground in Ukraine. Some argue that he's fully briefed while others insist that things are quite deliberately being kept from him. Personally, I agree with the former concluding that Putin is about as hands-on as you can get -- you can tell that by the ferocious and inhumane effort made by Russian forces. You know, anything goes even attacking fleeing civilians.

In short, Ukraine is well on its way to being Putin's disaster. That's what's in the making and Putin  can see the writing on the wall. He knows ahead of time that opening up yet another front in this war by invading Moldova next won't cut the mustard. Putin probably instinctively knows that Moldova is the next Ukraine where at best his forces will become bogged down and entrenched. In short, a mini-Ukraine. short, what can Putin do to turn the tide? As Russian forces become increasingly more desperate in Ukraine, he only has one chance to turn the tide of reinforcements and supplies arriving from the West and that means choking off Poland. 

To do that, he needs to take on the land of The Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland. And so he ultimately shall and that will finally mean an enlarged conflict with all of NATO. From there, it will be all downhill until Russia is invaded and effectively defeated, or the powers that be in The Kremlin save themselves by solving their own problem with Putin. Putin is almost invincible as long as he's WINNING. Once he's not and his armies are in stalemate, retreat or subject to defeat, then Putin's days are effectively numbered and nobody in Russia knows that better than Vladimir Putin himself.


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