Sunday, 12 June 2022

CPC Memberships: "Irrelevant"?

Looks like our campaign is going through a round of cognitive dissonance. I mean, you can't comment on your opponent's so called inflated numbers -- PierreInflationTM and then claim that your own numbers are basically irrelevant because the leadership will be decided by a points system per riding. Come again?

Poilièvre claims to have sold 312,000 and Brown 150,000. Charest has chosen not to release his numbers. I don't know about you but that tells me that our campaign is at best behind and not anywhere close to substantially narrowing that gap. Incredibly bad political tactics but hey, that's what you get when your strategists are off, to put it nicely...

So, when Coyne says Charest is either in third or fourth, your first reaction is skepticism and disbelief but when you see how Charest is sketching out this race in public, then you really start to get very seriously concerned.

Frankly, I know my party all too well and from what I can see and have heard, it's already over for us. Now it's only a question whether Poilièvre wins on the first or second ballot. That's more than likely CPC reality.   

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