Sunday 5 June 2022

Is Poilièvre Tone Deaf?

So far, in this race, absolutely. Can he be stopped? Nope he can't. Is the next election the third that we'll blow in a row? You bet we will unless Pierre gets Canadian religion, you know, the place where the voters vote. Sorry Pierre but populism is not your ticket to the PMO. So far, you're no Doug Ford so your brand of so-called populism won't cut the mustard. Right now, you're more like the failed Harper of 2015, you know, Jenni's last race, at least for most of that campaign. have a choice: meaning change pragmatically or prepare to be welcomed to the Scheer and O'Toole rank of failures. Think I'm full of shit? I don't think so, as you and Jenni will likely find out, probably much later down the road than sooner.

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