Wednesday, 17 August 2022


History will not only be kind but more importantly, judge her well. Cheney stands for bedrock principles that somehow are now considered quaint: respect for and an obligation to defend a sacred oath to one's country and its constitution, respect for truth and conducting one self at all times with honor, truthfulness, decorum and bestoying the natural respect inherently owed to others on anyone. And all of the above are just for starters.

You see, what doesn't make America great can commonly be described as the Trump infestation: no regard for truth, no regard for the law, no regard for tradition, no regard for collective and individual respect and I could go on. And worse of all, a traiterous disposition that neither respects American democracy and its ultimate outcome: the fair election of a president of the United States. 

These people are blindly undermining the nation and republic they proportedly claim to serve. And yes, do they ever possess the same negative traits as a collective as seen with dictators past: the highest level of individual and group gullibility known to human kind, an unquestioning loyalty to their version of the so-called truth and a willingness to allow the most prominent shaman to collectively lead them astray and inevitably take them down the path to national ruination and the utter destruction of the American experience. I mourn for a nation that's well on its way to insignificance when so many of its fellow citizens ignore or denounce the very principles that first made it great and an unending beacon of light to the world.

This is indeed the pre-Hitlerian experience of the past and may God help any country and a plurality of its citizenry who foolishly elect to willingly go there. Utter ruination sadly awaits the United States should these people ultimately prevail at the ballot box. Like I said, history will hold Cheney in the highest regard. Not so for the infestation of the national demon seed and his ever willing and compliant accolytes who enthusiastically allow the Trump pestilence to do their thinking for them.

Quelle honte, as we say in French.

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