Monday, 29 August 2022

Has Trump Compromised National Security?

Jesus Christ! A Russian spy has been unmasked: Inna Yashchyshyn is the second foreign operative who has had access to Mar-a-Lago. Yujing Zhang made it past a Secret Service checkpoint, so one must ask, how many others?

Remember that top secret documents and those designated even higher were being in kept in a room that did not even have a padlock on the door. Something tells me that this revelation is covered in the affidavit, along with likely several others. Probable cause is a dangerous thing, and these revelations may have irreparable repercussions for national security.

Trump goes on and on about his ability to declassify the lot, but experts agree that that power ended when his term ended. Only Biden can declassify documents as president, and that power is not limitless. Some documents cannot be declassified by a president without first respecting the letter of the law under a variety of pieces of national security legislation.

This thing is getting more and more serious, with damage to national security probably highly likely. God only knows how all of this will ultimately pan out.

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