Friday, 12 August 2022

Why Being Biden Ain't No Fun.

Biden just said that positive inflation and negative inflation across sectors canceled each other out in July with the end result of less than zero inflation for that month. Technically correct but geez Louise, that's not how it feels on mainstreet or in the malls. 

The real inflation number right now is somewhere between 15 and 20 percent when you factor in food, energy, housing and other vital costs -- core inflation is bullshit and does not in any way reflect what Joe and Jane are paying every day.

So...Biden still gets to wear it as President because the buck stops there as Chief Executive -- after all, it's Biden's Fed who put in monetary policy that accelerated the rise in inflation and ultimately contracted the economy, period. All of that happened on his watch, so wear it he will along with the Democrats in November.

Hey, there simply is no miracle out there for fellow Dems. Too bad that but thems the breaks. 

It's like the recession debate: who the fuck really cares whether we're technically in one. Point is, it sure as hell feels like one and that ain't good, democratically-speaking.

So, the Democratic rout is coming both in the Senate and House but hey, better days are inevitably ahead: you know Republicans what with their endless and serial capacity to overreach when in the majority. They view every two year mandate as an edict from God. Just think back to Newt. Point taken.

But hey, at least the big job is out of reach for that ever lying simpleton in '24. Polls on top of polls have already proven that with more than 50% of Americans at least sick of Trump's face, not to mention the rest of him. Trump Repubs think the general is just another Republican primary knocking off "name-only" Republicans. To that I say, be my guest.

So sure, the POS will almost inevitably get the nomination not that it'll do him any good in the ballot box. You see, Americans are awake and next time, they won't be staying home rather than voting. That means for a plurality of Americans, 24 will still be all about keeping Trump out à la TR Bull Moose.

So, Dems get the last and best laugh provided that the pain in 22 doesn't make most of them go insane in the interim. But like I said, no one destroys Republican gains better than Republicans so for Dems, hey, keep hope alive and weather the up and coming stomach churn in November.

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