Sunday, 18 December 2022

Chuck, Nancy, Dumplings.

Yes, I watched it on CNN and thought it was great fun,  especially when Nancy said a family intervention was required. Dead on but ultimately hopeless IMHO. Trump is his own worst enemy. No one else even comes remotely close and that's saying something.

Unlike both of them, I've broken with Biden. Sure, he has accomplishments some of which are not insignificant but hey, Joe totally blew it on the economy and inflation. So, he needs to go, period. Same with Trump.

I want to see a new generation of leadership in both parties. As much as I like and admire Nancy, I'm glad she's going too. Frankly, she should have taken responsibility in 2020 and left then.

So, 2024 could be interesting. My first choice in 2020 was Kamala and later Pete. The country is too sexist and misogynist for her to win a general so I hope Pete gets in again. I'm definitely not for Newsom. Nope, no thanks.

On the Republican side, DeSantis is not the great savior people make him out to be. So, others could emerge and I don't mean Paul, Cruz or any of the other usual suspects. They need a breakthrough nominee to win big and DeSantis ain't it. 

In the end, it could potentially go either way. But frankly, it isn't in the cards for Biden and probably not Trump, if an A-lister can be found.

But as 2022 showed all of us, predictions are now but the folly of fools. 

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