Saturday, 28 January 2023

But, But, But, But, Poilièvre...!

It's been an interesting time over at with our host once again providing his readers with thoughtful, insightful and even provocative pieces on the state of politics in this country and especially on the shelf-life of the Trudeau government. With that in mind, here's my take on the Trudeau Liberals:

These TRUDEAU Liberals need to get the political thumping of their lives: their smug arrogance; phoney baloney; disingenuous behaviour; virtue-signalling while personally doing the exact opposite; their patronage appointments that aren’t merit-based; their contracts that aren’t tendered and that go directly only to relatives, families, friends and Liberal supporters; their own families who take private money from companies that receive government contracts. Such is the “cachet” of the TRUDEAU Liberals. I could go on, but no one here wants to read a book.

As in the last two election campaigns and immediately prior to the writ being dropped, the Conservatives were ahead as Trudeau fatigue set in. But then the Conservative leader did something stupid that played right into the Joe Clark quote about voting for the devil you know, rather than the one you don't. So, it'll be an interesting election next time as Trudeau and Company try to paint Pierre Poilièvre as at least the devil incarnate.

For his part, Pierre Poilièvre already has so many of the winning cards: inflation, the high cost of living, a broken health care system, mortgage rates, and on and on. But as the leader has already admitted, he and caucus have to stay on message and ram it home. Distractions and eruptions will kill the CPC polling momentum, so message consistency will be invaluable in helping Poilièvre win the next election.

I would add targeted policy directed at families headed by a single parent, more often than not a mom. And the icing on the cake is, of course, what all governments ultimately succumb to at least in part, incumbency corruption in its many forms. 

Watch the increasing level of Liberal desperation and what they'll attempt to pull out of a hat to stay in power. You know, but Poilièvre is this, that and the other thing. Will it work, just like it did with Scheer and O'Toole? It'll be up to Pierre to always be one step ahead of them to make sure that lightning doesn't strike thrice in the next campaign.

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