Monday, 2 January 2023

McCarthy: Does He Sleep Nights? Ha, Ha, Ha!

This is way beyond fucking ridiculous when your own side blackmails you in order to get your support: the five-member challenge is just the most prominent example of this nonsense. Man, you either hang in with your team or you ultimately hang separately, more than likely in the next election. The more Republicans are divided, the more they are likely to inflict wounds internally that will make them lose the House majority next time.

As a Democrat, I've got to say that I'm enjoying this. This is more fun than pigs around a trough. Don't get me wrong, I ain't much of a McCarthy fan to begin with -- he reminds me of a guy with constantly shrinking balls -- a guy who would potentially do practically anything and agree to anything just to become speaker. I want this guy in charge so that Republicans by their own actions can take themselves down between now and '24. I just want to stand back, smile and watch!

This movie is almost as good as the Trump-ThingTM. Can't wait to see whether Trump gets charged criminally, once, twice, three times or not at all. I'm positively living for that. What happens to the Trumpists if the master goes down the drain? The puppets sure as hell can't fix that one in the House, McCarthy or anyone else presiding. 

My guess is that a beholding McCarthy eventually makes it. If he doesn't then it's probably Scalise. This thing is a hoot, watching some Republicans going out of their way to tear themselves apart. By all means, keep it up and bring on those investigations! But by God as Clara Peller said: there better be some beef or else it's curtains credibility-wise that's in your future.

Oh, and don't forget to send Lake a Cry-Me-Doll as a consolation prize.

UPDATE: Two rounds of voting already done and McCarthy still isn't speaker. What a bunch of stupid fuckers.

Now he's lost, what is it, six rounds!? Withdraw, you idiot. You've already made a complete fool of yourself.

But it gets better: the ideologically deranged (The Freedom Caucus) refuse to take their cue from Trump anymore. It's not that they actually have balls, but even they know how totally irrelevant Trump is, especially after those midterm results. I'm loving it.

ELEVEN ROUNDS! And Republicans still want this loser. Frankly, if they do, they deserve what they'll get: a pasting in '24.

Wake up bibi-brains. Thirteen rounds. Hello! The nutbars are trying to get Jordan as speaker. Moderates and centrists get your act in gear and vote Scalise to prevent Jordan from getting it. McCarthy is already done as dinner. Absolutely no credibility left. None whatsoever.

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