So, that's the game plan for the next election -- or at least it should be -- turning your own image around so that it becomes self-evident that you've got what it takes to win and, hopefully, win big.
But the power of transformation is often a double-edged sword. Politicians can only re-invent themselves once, rarely twice. That's the problem this Prime Minister has: everyone now knows that the emperor has no clothes, that his government is often incompetent and in shambles, that the guy at the top has no ethics, vision or true sense of governing. Trudeau is all about bullshit, wokeness and a pretense at actually having the ability to govern effectively and in the best interests of this country. His phoney baloney routine, his facade of actual competence as a leader, has finally worn thin with much of the voting public and he bloody well knows it. In short, his only realistic hope of remaining in office is predicated on the other guy either self-destructing, or making a major mistake in an election campaign. For Trudeau to win, he desperately needs for Poilièvre to take the bait and blow himself and his party right out of the water, which Pierre is unlikely to do. Rarely, but sometimes, being a professional politician has its merits. That's what's happening now. May it continue.
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