Saturday 31 August 2024

Pablo : Quelle est sa mission et sa vision pour le Québec ?

L'histoire révèle souvent les besoins de l'État québécois et de son peuple. Lesage est venu au Québec avec son équipe du tonnerre pour moderniser le Québec et mettre fin à la noirceur, plus ou moins, de l'Union nationale. C'était une véritable mission pour faire entrer le Québec dans les années 1960.

Quarante ans plus tard, un autre émissaire, le sauveur d'un peuple, a foulé le sol québécois pour sauver un pays. Charest est là, après d'énormes pressions, pour maintenir le Québec au sein du Canada. Un autre homme séduit par les courants de l'histoire.

Ce qui nous amène à Rodriguez : quelle est sa vision du Québec au sein du fédéralisme canadien ? On attend toujours ses commentaires sur une future constitution pour le Québec. Arrivera-t-il au Québec seul ou avec une équipe ? Et que pense-t-il de la relation entre un futur gouvernement libéral québécois et un gouvernement canadien ?

Pour l'instant, Pablo n'a rien à dire sur sa vision du Québec sous son leadership. C'est inquiétant. Un chef d'un parti québécois doit se comporter uniquement en fonction des désirs, du bien-être et de la philosophie de la nation québécoise. Il n'est pas là pour maintenir un équilibre entre Québec et Ottawa. Un chef doit obtenir plus de pouvoir du gouvernement fédéral, ce que son bon ami Trudeau n'a jamais voulu céder à la nation québécoise.

Bref, Rodriguez a un long chemin à parcourir avec les Québécois s'il devient le prochain chef du PLQ. Le silence n'est jamais la marque d'un grand leader, ni de quelqu'un qui peut renverser la vapeur et faire passer le Parti libéral du désert à une oasis politique en formant le prochain gouvernement du Québec. 

Pablo: What is his mission and vision for Quebec?

History often reveals the needs of the Quebec state and its people. Lesage came to Quebec with his équipe du tonnerre to modernise Quebec and put an end to the darkness, more or less, of the Union nationale. It was a real mission to bring Quebec into the 1960s.

Forty years later, another emissary, the saviour of a people, set foot on Quebec soil to save a country. Charest is here, after enormous pressure, to keep Quebec within Canada. Another man seduced by the currents of history.

This brings us to Rodriguez: what is his vision for Quebec within Canadian federalism? We're still waiting for his comments on a future constitution for Quebec. Will he arrive in Quebec alone or with a team? And what does he think of the relationship between a future Quebec Liberal government and a Canadian government?

So far, Pablo has nothing to say about his vision for Quebec under his leadership. This is worrying. A leader of a Quebec party must behave solely with the desires, well-being and philosophy of the Quebec nation in mind. He is not there to maintain a balance between Quebec and Ottawa. A leader must obtain more power from the federal government, something his good friend Trudeau was never willing to cede to the Quebec nation.

In short, Rodriguez has a long way to go with Quebecers if he becomes the next QLP leader. Silence is never the mark of a great leader, nor of someone who can turn the tide and take the Liberal Party from the desert to a political oasis by forming the next Quebec government. 

KinsellaCast 325 & 326.


-Don't often disagree with Martin but Trump was getting in whether Obama roasted the shit out of him or not. But Yes, it did solidify a run in Trump's mind, or at least what passes for his mind.

-Warren seems to think that Trudeau is all about the long goodbye. I agree, his departure will finally come to fruition on election night. (Why is Brian smiling?)

-It's not the Democrats who are making Trump THE issue. It's that idiot himself. And as such, he's laying the groundwork for his own defeat, which as I've said before, will be a Harris landside. It isn't Harris or Walz who're burying Trump. It's Trump.

-I don't care about Hillary's numbers. That's like basing your military strategy for WWII on WWI strategy which is exactly what the French did. And then the Germans just went around the forts and other fortifications. Thinking out of the box wins this one for Harris. Polls are basically irrelevant. What people tell pollsters is more often not how they vote anyway. It's either silent I'm with Kamala time or I hate Kamala time. My money is on the former.

-Trump can't win on the economy, period. Everyone already has an opinion on the economy and most people hate it. But those same people are moving in Harris' direction. In other words, the economy is Biden's fault and that blame does not translate or stick to Harris. People want change.

-The election is only about TrumpCrazyTownTM and that's why Harris will win in a landslide.

Tanguay: Il faut des femmes dans la course à la chefferie libérale.

Ouin, le leader intérimaire souhaite que des femmes se présentent à la direction du parti. Personnellement, je me demande pourquoi. Le PLQ se contente-t-il de faire de la poudre aux yeux ou y a-t-il une réelle substance et de la bonne volonté derrière ces déclarations ?

Avant de répondre à ces questions, je vous encourage à examiner de plus près le traitement réservé à l'ancien chef du parti. Je suggère respectueusement que de nombreuses femmes, qu'elles soient membres du parti ou non, ont été découragées. 

Si le parti se demande pourquoi, à ce jour, il n'y a pas eu de candidate, ni même l'apparition d'une candidate possible, les membres devraient se regarder collectivement dans le miroir et réfléchir au traitement et à l'estime que l'ancienne dirigeante a reçus pendant son mandat.

Does Pro-Life Want To Abort Trump?

Man, this is too good to be true: It's like a gift from Santa Claus. You know Trump, he's so used to playing everyone, he can't help playing the pro-life lobby as well. Surprise, surprise, the self-professed pro-lifer has secret pro-choice tinges and the pro-lifers are going bananas. First off, they should be bright enough but aren't to know that Trump has no word and whatever comes out of his mouth is exclusively for his political benefit, not theirs.

That's why Trump is suddenly in love with IVF and why he WAS contemplating voting against Florida's six-week abortion ban. Too short sayeth Trump, just before folding like a cheap suit. LOL. Boy, is it ever Christmas in September for the Harris campaign. The TrumpWreckingBallTM wasn't satisfied with serially verbally torpedoing his own campaign by disrespecting Harris and pretty much everyone else on the planet. It had to go one more mile and take on some of his most committed supporters. Just love it!

Maybe, just maybe, it's finally dawning on the pro-lifers that thanks to Trump, Harris is well on her way to a landslide in November. Funny how the will of God isn't streaming in their direction on this one. But they won't bother to contemplate that. After all, they're always "right."

Thursday 29 August 2024

Walz Is Going To Be Trouble.

Just watched the Harris-Walz interview on CNN. Frankly, Walz left me with a bad impression: he was defensive on his obvious mistakes and would not even concede that he misspoke. It came across as if Walz was insulted by the questions. Too much self-centred ego and quite obvious hubris. It was off-putting, to say the very least. Harris may have made a mistake in choosing this guy. Can't wait to see what Kinsella has to say. He was hesitant on the pick at first. Good instincts. Well, I find myself joining him now after this interview.

In short, Walz needs to change his personal mindset and hopefully stop falling madly in love with himself. He's just another fucking governor, nothing more.

Poilièvre: Off Base On The NDP.

You know you're vulnerable in politics when your advisors aren't strategically worth two-shits. Just ask Trudeau about his PMO. But now the disease has spread to Poilièvre, who quite frankly, should personally know better. We all know that Byrne and Company are our Telfords. So, you would think the leader would be capable of showing better judgment than those surrounding him in the OLO.

A case in point: the laughable suggestion to Singh that the NDP should terminate the supply and confidence agreement with the Liberals. Thank God I'm here to set Pierre straight. First off, Poilièvre knows perfectly well that as long as the NDP is below twenty, the urge to terminate will simply not be there. In fact, the latest polls show NDP support dropping. So, there's that.

And then there's Pierre's bad instincts: it should have occurred to him that his suggestion comes off only as self-serving and opportunistic. He looks like a guy who can't wait to get into power, preferably, the sooner, the better. In other words, Poiliève is all for coming into office by hook or by crook. That should begin to put a dent in CPC numbers. 

That's two decisions in a row that amount to bullshit. If he keeps this up, he'll be sending a political lifeline to Trudeau and the Liberals. Pierre, why don't you leave the stupid decisions to this Prime Minister and his government?

Our leader has always had all the answers. Too bad his magic answers sometimes leave so much to be desired...but hey, it ain't my fault. LOL. To be continued.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Pablo: The Effort Is Serious But Preliminary?

The approach is serious but preliminary. Why so much hesitation and caution? It seems to be a problem of personal confidence in the campaign. There is too much caution, too much indecision. They need to strike hard and unequivocally. To do otherwise does not leave an impression of a campaign with the wind in its sails.

Pablo: La démarche est sérieuse mais préliminaire?

L'approche est sérieuse mais préliminaire. Pourquoi tant d'hésitation et de prudence ? Il semble qu'il s'agisse d'un problème de confiance personnelle dans la campagne. Il y a trop de prudence, trop d'indécision. Ils doivent frapper fort et sans équivoque. Agir autrement ne donne pas l'impression d'une campagne qui a le vent dans les voiles.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Pablo: STILL Waiting!

Well, at least Pablo has a sense of humour:

"You know me. You know me very well. I'm always very direct. I come to see you. I like to see you. I never hide. And I come to you when I have things to say," he said.

Yup, when Rodriguez has something to say. But right now, Pablo has nothing to say which means his MNA count is not going so good. Maybe Pablo thought he would take off like a race horse. Apparently not. Put another way, the PLQ leadership is definitely not his for the taking. IF he finally gets in, it'll be an uphill battle to say the very least.

Pablo: TOUJOURS en attente !

Au moins, Pablo a le sens de l'humour :

"Vous me connaissez. Vous me connaissez très bien. Je suis toujours très direct. Je viens vous voir. J'aime ça vous voir. Je ne me cache jamais. Et je viens vous voir lorsque j'ai des choses à dire. Je n'ai jamais la cassette."

Oui, quand Rodriguez a quelque chose à dire. Mais pour l'instant, Pablo n'a rien à dire, ce qui signifie que son compte MAN ne se porte pas très bien. Pablo pensait peut-être qu'il allait s'envoler comme un cheval de course. Apparemment, ce n'est pas le cas. Autrement dit, le leadership du PLQ est définitivement hors de sa portée. S'IL y accède, le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que la bataille sera rude.


Saturday 24 August 2024

Pablo: So Much For "Many Requests".

The clock continues to click and Pablo still isn't in the race. So much for "many requests." I haven't seen any more Liberal MNAs endorsing his purported candidacy and don't see any on the horizon.

And then there's this: still no position on a Quebec constitution. That should be an automatic Oui but somehow, Rodriguez still can't get there. Some Quebec nationalist.

In short, this trial balloon is rapidly deflating -- if not already deflated.

Pablo : Voilà pour les « nombreuses demandes ».

L'horloge tourne toujours et Pablo n'est toujours pas dans la course. Voilà pour les « nombreuses demandes ». Je n'ai vu aucun autre député libéral appuyer sa soi-disant candidature, et je n'en vois aucun à l'horizon.

Et puis il y a ceci : toujours pas de position sur une constitution québécoise. Cela devrait être un Oui automatique, mais d'une manière ou d'une autre, Rodriguez n'y arrive toujours pas. Un nationaliste québécois?

Bref, ce ballon d'essai se dégonfle rapidement - si ce n'est déjà fait.

Harris Landslide.

I was the first to predict that Harris would win in a landslide. Now, I have plenty of company! LOL.

Here's the next point where conventional wisdom is wrong: they claim that Harris will get a two to three-point bounce coming out of the convention. Wrong. It'll be more like five to seven. People were looking for an excuse to drop Trump like a hot potato and now they've found that reason.

Don't believe me? Then take a look at the latest Electoral College prediction: right now, it's Harris 225 to Trump 219. Plenty of room for Harris to grow in still competitive states while Trump has hit his glass ceiling. 

And what about that Trump rally with RFK Jr? Looked like Hades to me. Just love it.

Stupid Politicians...

Most politicians are basically clueless when it comes to economic policy. They prefer simplistic and phoney gimmicks. A case in point: tariffs against China. The latest nonsense out of Ottawa is to tax Chinese electric vehicles.

So let me get this straight: you guys want to make Canadians suffer MORE in an inflationary and bad economic environment by making them pay more for their electric cars? It isn't bad enough that domestic and other foreign electric cars are already OVERPRICED?  You want to add insult to injury by bringing in a Chinese-made tarrif?

What moron came up with that? Tariffs are almost never justified. Basically, they're precursors to eventual war.

For all you amateurs, how about bringing Chinese auto plants to Canada? You know, actually seeing the big picture and bringing good paying jobs to Canada in a unionized shop. The Chinese likely would go for that but our simplistic fools can't get their heads around that. Says much more about them than anything they have to say about Chinese EVs. 

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Sunday 18 August 2024

Joe: Get Off Your High Horse!

Just drop it and leave Pelosi alone. You should be the one losing sleep, not her. She did what she had to do politically to win and so did the others. So fucking get over yourself. Period.

Don't try to act like an offended virgin -- weren't you the guy who ran on one term and as a transitional president? You broke your word to voters when you decided that a second term would be great. So, drop the high-minded bullshit and take your pill. You know damned well that after that debate you had no chance of beating Trump. NONE. End of story.

Trump And Vance: Two Stupid Fucks...

Trump and Vance are doing more to advance and propel the Harris-Walz ticket than anyone else. Trump's excuse is that he's already of an unsound and totally deranged mind. What's Vance's? 

KinsellaCast 324.


-The problem with independent senators is that they aren't really independents. They're three blocks of so-called independents who often represent a governmental agenda. Independent senators are more or less truly independent.

-If anyone can be as independent as they come, Adler can. He doesn't sound like a Liberal to me.

-Nope, Telford still wants the big job in DC.

-It's so easy to remove this Prime Minister but 40% of MPs are smart enough to figure out how. That keeps us Conservatives smiling!

-It won't stay tight. Harris will win in a landslide. Big and I mean BIG breakout as a post-convention bounce. That would have been impossible with any other Republican nominee but because Trump is a certified and certifiable POS it's coming.

-It's an abomination precisely because Pierre Trudeau's crappy constitution made it one...

-We have our share of dumb fucks, jealous jackasses and perfect assholes in our party just like the Liberals and other parties.

-Party line? It depends if your side wins a leadership race. Then it's bleating sheep time regardless of party.

-The automaton morons in Ottawa can't get their heads around opening Chinese auto plants in Canada. You know, the kind of places that employ Canadians...punitive tariffs are a joke that only increases costs for the average Canadian in an already high inflationary environment. Total political hypocrisy by rank amateurs à la Trump. Just what this country needs.

-It's all about the HIMARS. Nothing more.

-You support Putin or you die or if you get lucky, what amounts to life. Simple as that.

-Iran will go at a time of their own choosing to use the old adage. They HAVE to go. They looked like idiots when Haniyeh was blown away right under their noses in the heart of Tehran. They simply can't let that one pass. This act has already partially undermined the regime. They can't allow that to continue.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Adler To The Senate.

An excellent choice. A principled, small-c Conservative, who's not afraid to make waves or criticize the party or the leader. Adler will sit as an independent. 

He can make a fine contribution to Canada. I wish him well and hope the new job doesn't disillusion him about this country's true state of politics. More division than actual work accomplished at the federal level. But Adler knows that going in. 

Thursday 15 August 2024

Trudeau Is Feeling The Heat.

Looks like caucus has finally found them balls. Pressure has been mounting to reinvigourate the team and that means a cabinet shuffle. Some ministers will be out and others will come in for the first time. Rumours are particularly intense about Freeland. It seems she may be about to announce her political retirement. Will any other ministers follow?

Anyway, a late August major shuffle will be like rearranging the deck chairs on RMS Titanic. Looks sort of good but the ship is still sinking and nothing Trudeau does is about to change that. 

Maybe this Prime Minister can persuade Jesus to run under the Liberal banner. Short of that, the Trudeau Liberals are and will remain political goners.

The First Big Test: A Quebec Constitution. Why Is Pablo Silent?

In politics, perception is nine-tenths of the law. Position is everything. So...where is Rodriguez on a Quebec constitution which enjoys support across the QLP and with supporters of other parties, Yes, even the CAQ?

The proposal, as outlined by Antoine Dionne Charest, will ultimately be presented to the QLP for adoption at its next annual convention in Lévis this November. Dionne Charest is expected to run as a party candidate in the next provincial election slated for 2026.

This is a national litmus test in Quebec and so far, Pablo still isn't on the record in support of this proposal. His friend, Coderre, has come out against it. Remember when  I wrote that Rodriguez would have to show his Quebec nationalist credentials to be a credible leadership candidate?  Well, the time is now and so far Pablo is missing in action...the rubber hasn't hit the road.

Were Quebec to adopt its own constitution, it would be the second province to do so. British Columbia already has its own constitution.

Le premier grand test : Une Constitution pour le Québec. Pourquoi Pablo est-il silencieux ?

En politique, la perception est les neuf dixièmes de la loi. La position est tout. Alors... où est Rodriguez sur une constitution pour le Québec qui jouit de l'appui du PLQ et des partisans des autres partis, oui, même de la CAQ ?

La proposition, telle que décrite par Antoine Dionne Charest, sera finalement présentée au PLQ pour adoption lors de son prochain congrès national à Lévis en novembre. M. Dionne Charest devrait se présenter comme candidat du parti aux prochaines élections provinciales, prévues pour 2026.

Il s'agit d'un défi décisif pour le Québec et, jusqu'à présent, Pablo ne s'est pas prononcé en faveur de la proposition. Son ami Coderre s'est prononcé contre. Vous vous souvenez quand j'ai écrit que Rodriguez devrait montrer ses références nationalistes québécoises pour être un candidat crédible à la direction du parti ?  Eh bien, le moment est venu et, jusqu'à présent, Pablo n'a rien fait... le caoutchouc n'a pas encore touché la route.

Si le Québec adoptait sa propre constitution, il serait la deuxième province à le faire. La Colombie-Britannique a déjà sa propre constitution.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

آیا ایران قبل از حمله به اسرائیل منتظر بمب است؟

 زمانی که ترامپ از برجام خارج شد، ایرانی ها را در مسیر اجتناب ناپذیر غنی سازی اورانیوم و ساخت بمب قرار داد، و در نهایت به بمب دست یافتند. سازمان های اطلاعاتی تخمین می زنند که ایران تنها چند هفته فاصله دارد تا یک سلاح هسته ای خام تولید کند. ایرانی ها همگی باید لبخند بزنند -- به هر حال، بدون حماقت ترامپ، الان بمب را نداشتند.

از دیدگاه ایران، به نفع آنهاست که حمله شان به اسرائیل را تا زمانی که سلاح های هسته ای خام داشته باشند، به تعویق بیندازند. از سوی دیگر، اسرائیل حداقل بیش از ۲۰۰ سلاح هسته ای در زرادخانه خود دارد. پس حتی در این شرایط، به نفع ایران است که محتاط باشد.

Is Iran Waiting For The Bomb Before Attacking Israel?

When Trump ditched the JCPOA, that put the Iranians on an inevitable path to enriching uranium up to bomb strength and then ultimately getting the bomb. Intelligence agencies estimate that Iran is only a few weeks away from developing a crude nuclear weapon. The Iranians must be all smiles -- after all, without Trump's stupidity, they wouldn't have the bomb now.

Taken from an Iranian perspective, it's all to their advantage to delay their strike against Israel until they have a few nuclear devices. For her part, Israel is known to have at least two hundred+ atomic weapons in their arsenal. So even under these conditions, it will be in Iran's interest to remain circumspect. 

QLP Leadership: Free Advice For Pablo!

Let's start with what you've done wrong: you see Pablo, if you want to be taken seriously as a leading candidate, you shouldn't be on vacation while the Youth Wing meets. Not a good look.

So far, you've got the support of McGraw, which is a good start, but you better be damned sure that at least a plurality of caucus is in your corner before you officially announce. Because let's face it, as goes caucus, goes the party. If you can get more caucus endorsements than the others, then the leadership will be practically yours. But if not,...

Le leadership du PLQ : Conseils gratuits pour Pablo !

Commençons par ce que tu as fait de mal : tu vois Pablo, si tu veux être pris au sérieux en tant que candidat de premier plan, tu ne devrais pas être en vacances pendant que l'aile jeunesse se réunit. Ce n'est pas une bonne idée.

Jusqu'à présent, tu as le soutien de McGraw, ce qui est un bon début, mais tu ferais mieux d'être sacrément sûr qu'au moins une pluralité du caucus est dans ton camp avant de l'annoncer officiellement. Ne nous voilons pas la face, le parti va de pair avec le caucus. Si vous obtenez plus de soutien de la part du caucus que des autres, la direction vous appartient pratiquement. Mais si ce n'est pas le cas,...

Sunday 11 August 2024

The Six Percent Among Franco-Québécois Party...

What a total joke. The Quebec Liberals are so far in the woods, they can't even find the trees. The PLQ has lost all credibility with French-speaking Québécois. Period. To say they're in the wilderness is the understatement of the decade.

Looks like Rodriguez is going to go and join Coderre and the other already declared candidates. Pablo has already started lining up youth wing members. Quelle bêtise...these people are living in LaLaLandTM, supporting a party that's no longer credible, much less politically relevant. Why are they wasting their time? 

The future in Quebec politics is known as Paul St-Pierre Plamondon. The PQ has all the political momentum going into the next election. St-Pierre Plamondon is the next premier and nothing the Quebec Liberals do is going to change that, or even divert from the present political trajectory.

As foolish as this is, no one can say that the declared and future candidates don't have chutzpah!

Les six pour cent du parti franco-québécois...

C'est une véritable farce. Les libéraux québécois sont si loin dans les bois qu'ils ne peuvent même pas trouver les arbres. Le PLQ a perdu toute crédibilité auprès des Québécois francophones. C'est un point c'est tout. Dire qu'ils sont dans la nature est l'euphémisme de la décennie.

Il semble que Rodriguez rejoindra Coderre et les autres candidats déjà déclarés. Pablo a déjà commencé à recruter des membres de l'aile jeunesse. Quelle stupidité... ces gens vivent dans LaLaLandTM, soutenant un parti qui n'est plus crédible, et encore moins politiquement pertinent. Pourquoi perdent-ils leur temps ? 

L'avenir de la politique québécoise, c'est Paul St-Pierre Plamondon. Le PQ a le vent dans les voiles en vue des prochaines élections. St-Pierre Plamondon est le prochain premier ministre et rien de ce que feront les libéraux québécois n'y changera rien, ni même ne déviera de la trajectoire politique actuelle.

Aussi stupide que cela puisse être, personne ne pourra dire que les candidats déclarés et futurs n'ont pas d'audace !

Christy Clark? Come On!

Man, let me get this straight: people actually think the CPC should be recruiting Christy Clark??? Talk about not on. I mean, the same Christy Clark who's giving Liberals advice on their current and future leader? The same Christy Clark who no doubt is a member in good standing of the LPC? Give your heads a shake. Jesus.

Removing Trudeau: So Incredibly Easy.

All it takes is one caucus meeting. I know exactly how Liberal MPs could do it. But too bad for them. I'm a Conservative strategist, member and supporter. LOL. 

KinsellaCast 323.


-Nothing beats blood.

-The Trudeau Liberals are protecting their ass. That's why we don't know when they came to Canada.

-Chinese tariffs are total bullshit. It penalizes Canadians who have to pay more for goods during inflationary times when the cost of living is already high enough. Economic hari-kari for our overall trade relationship with China. Why aren't we negotiating with the Chinese to open auto plants here while the United States and Mexico are still snoozing? You know, BIG PICTURE stuff. Rank amateurs in Ottawa. Open markets negate war-mongering.

-Trump specializes only in stupid things...that's what morons do.

-Walz will overdeliver on the campaign trail. 

-Trudeau is another Trump but a progressive version. His ego and overinflated pride mean he's going nowhere. He'll take them down with him. Lucky Liberals.

-Is CRA taking political direction on which charities are audited and which aren't?

-They think this is John Kerry all over again. It ain't swiftboating.

2024: It's Already Over For Trump.

Too funny. That's what you get when you choose a narcissist, egotist and mentally unstable guy as your nominee. This is so predictable: Harris will win in a landslide! Trump is seen as a POS in so many quarters. The only reason why he was leading was because Biden was the nominee. As Clouseau would say: not anymore.

It's a new ball game with recent polls showing Harris moving ahead of Trump in the swing states, except for Michigan. And then the convention will come in a week, which will give Harris another bounce.

The Democrats have been brilliant by continually pushing Trump's buttons: attacking his crowd size, how much money the Republicans have raised and other non-issues. And Trump just can't help himself. He bites E-V-E-R-Y time. This idiot should be on message: inflation, cost of living, the border, crime and other issues should be his non-stop mantra. Instead, it's only and all about Trump personally. That's definitely not a winning political strategy for Republicans.

Just wait for the ABC debate when Trump will put a knife into his own campaign. Harris will troll him and get under his skin over and over. Then Trump will blow the debate.

Trump's only chance is his edge in The Electoral College and that can be negated by increased turnout in all the right places. Young women and minorities will turn out in record numbers and that'll be the end of Trump and MAGA in November.

You know what they say: what goes around, comes around and Trump is finally enjoying those chickens coming home to roost. It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Harris: Why Walz And Not Shapiro.

Shapiro, no doubt about it, was an impending train wreck: he reportedly has his view on the VEEP job and even suggested areas of responsibility. 

But more importantly, Democrats dodged a bullet: this has happened before. Remember when Reagan was interviewing for his VEEP? Ford was seriously considered, but it rapidly became a non-starter. Ford viewed his role as a former president, as a co-president. That was about as off-side as was possible. So, in the end, Reagan went with George H.W. Bush instead.

Shapiro is shades of the same dilemma. Shapiro had his idea of what he should be doing as VEEP but was also pre-positioning for his eventual presidential run. Nope, nada, nyet. Simply not acceptable.

Walz: An Almost Perfect Choice.

This guy is folksy. Walz will also take his lead from Harris. He'll be a good foot soldier for Harris.

Saturday 3 August 2024

Trump: Saved By God? Don't Make Me Laugh.

The nerve of that bastard. Invoking God as having saved him. And his mindless minions are falling for it hook, line and sinker. Seriously, would God actually save a POS who delights in acting like an asshole at every given opportunity? This fucker is proud of the way he behaves.

Yes, there's no doubt that Trump was "saved" but not by the guy you think. The devil did the work and once again Trump was on stage praising his fellow demon seed in Moscow. Now, what a surprise...

Then he took on the school for empty seats. Really? As a pathological and pathetic liar, did the school really keep his supporters out of the event, or is the plain truth that hardly anyone showed up in Georgia to listen to this constantly raving and delusional narcissist?

Like I've said before, the greatest political threat to the Trump campaign is Trump HIMSELF. That oaf just can't help himself. Every time he opens his mouth, Harris goes up another point or percentage in the polls. So when the idiot loses -- and he will -- the class one moron will only have himself to blame. And the other imbecile Vance will simply seal the losing deal for the Trump-Vance campaign. 

God does work in mysterious ways: that's why Harris is at the top of the ticket. Kamala is there to deny Trump any realistic possibility of returning to the presidency. And praise God for that!

Shapiro: Looking Like A Done Deal.

Harris will announce her VEEP choice on Monday or Tuesday. Ideally, the pick will be the best candidate to unite almost all progressives and centrists behind the ticket. The choice will also play with independents and lead to the highest possible turnout of independent voters. In short, do no harm to the ticket, unlike Vance with the Republicans.

Team Harris thinks Shapiro can deliver Pennsylvania, which is crucial as part of Harris' narrow pathway to the White House. Shapiro likely will draw in centrists and independents, while at the same time alienating some progressives. In short, it's one hell of a gamble.

People like Michael Moore think this choice could lose Michigan, given that state's substantial Muslim population. Others believe, even in that community, overriding concern about a Trump return to office will override doubts about Shapiro. 

My view has been that you don't pick a VEEP running mate for what he can do in one state. You pick someone who will help you carry more than one state. Shapiro can do that if the stars align correctly. Or, he can cost Harris the election if too many progressives abandon ship. 

What was once seen as a safe choice is now viewed as a somewhat risky one. Harris' choice will be for all the marbles. In truth, no one really knows how the VEEP pick will ultimately play out.