Sunday, 24 October 2021

COVID-19: The Permanent New Normal.

Incredibly, so many people can't think beyond their nose. They actually believe that vaccinations will eventually eradicate this. But they won't. Vaccination is a crucial component to staying alive but all it can do is vanquish corona viruses.

People have no idea seemingly that CVs were but the tip of the iceberg. This is a new world where airborne pathogens will be the actual and permanent new normal. In fact, when we get to WW3, right after Beijing invades Taiwan, it will be self-evident for all the world to see.

Now you know why I'm for double and triple vaccinations, permanent seating restrictions, permanent masking and permanent social distancing.

In short, we need every advantage we can get because the next generation of genetically modified bioweapons will make COVID-19 look like a medical afterthought. You ain't seen nothing yet, folks.

We're headed to a place where between 25 and 50 million who died from Spanish Flu will look like just an asterisk. 

Will the next war, inevitably biological, precede the end of life on this planet? Could happen. And maybe if we're lucky, we'll get the Second Coming.

Somebody desperately needs a quick military victory. You know, to get people's minds off the power struggle and purported assassination attempt against him. Not good, to put it kindly.

So, for the time I have left on this planet, I'll keep doing what I have to to survive and keep the odds in my favour.

In my case, that, at minimum, will mean wearing a mask in public until the day I drop dead. I'll leave it to governments to be both incredibly foolish and naive. After all, that's their specialty.

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