Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Marc Is Out.

And significantly but not surprisingly, HimselfTM won't say why. Of course he won't even though the reason is already as clear as day: you know that this newly returned government is finally falling apart at the seams when the most distinguished former Liberal prime minister takes a run at you and but good in his latest book.

Couple that with Garneau's independent streak and his manner of not letting precious Katie and company micromanage his department and voilà, Marc is suddenly and ungraciously toast.

When you think of it, that's quite a tag team, Chrétien and Garneau with both likely thinking that this joke cannot continue other than in the short term as PM or party leader. This guy is now toxic for the Liberal brand and everyone knows it, most especially those who make up our most recent and unfortunate ministry.

Any government headed by Trudeau is now nothing short of a national shame and a political disgrace, period. To put it kindly, this guy will make it into the history books in a way that no other prime minister ever has -- and it won't be pretty.

Meanwhile, over on our side, we have a leader who's still digging with the vaccine shovel. A man with a special talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, à la Scheer, and then for a topper doing all that he possibly can to unknowingly sink the Blue ship 🚢

And caucus says nothing, willingly complicit and ever compliant as we politically head down suicide alley. Opposition parties usually, at the very least, pick up steam when a minority government is returned. Not this time: Erin seemingly is hell bent on going in the exact opposite direction while caucus genuflects and Trudeau heartedly thanks O'Toole for that highly undeserved second wind. Pathetic yes, but now playing out for all to see, but only au Canada.

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