And so they did with spectacular results: they lied their asses off on O'Toole's Assault-Style weapons position and on CPC candidates and vaccination but it worked like a charm, especially with Blair effectively fronting for them in TO.
You see, Liberals go negative with positive reinforcement in Ontario. It's that basic. You spin it and the province reflexively laps it up. It's only when it gets gonzo, à la Martin with soldiers in the streets, do Ontarians turn away in disgust.
So, going neg has its natural advantages for Liberals. For the Conservatives, the exact opposite is very much true: push Trudeau's buttons too hard and you risk a sympathy backlash.
That's precisely why CPC ads were weak as milk toast. They didn't move the dial one iota and were a complete waste of money.
Once the Liberal ads got traction it was time to go for the gusto and damn them torpedoes. But O'Toole's strategic braintrust failed miserably at doing precisely that.
End result: Trudeau wins when he shouldn't have, while O'Toole loses when victory was almost his.
Look forward to the OLO and party firings. Those people deserve it in spades, period. So, let's have at it right now.
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