Saturday, 5 March 2022

Are NATO Members Humanitarians?

Each of you is sentient, you see what's going on in Ukraine day after miserable day. So, ask yourselves this question: the Ukrainian President and Foreign Minister have it exactly right, just how much suffering and death are NATO members willing to let the Ukrainians endure? 

You need to get out of that mindset that you are a defensive alliance. People are dying right across from your borders. You can't do nothing and fortunately, you and the EU are not doing nothing but remember that by not doing nothing, you invite an almost inevitable attack on at least a NATO member in eventual retaliation. Put another way, Russian attacks outside Ukraine are both predictable and likely. 

With that in mind, you can join the fight now and limit the bloodshed, not to mention shorten the time to victory for Ukraine or you can do it later, when there are no legal niceties available to keep you out of World War III.

Hitler went into parts and then all of Czechoslovakia. The West was foolishly in solely reactive mode and did nothing until he invaded Poland. And surprise, surprise, NATO is still as cowardly now as the West was then. Make no mistake, when Putin inevitably attacks NATO, it will be war writ large. Better to fight for the good right now than to wait and do it later when circumstances on the ground effectively mean you have no other choice. 

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